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Monday, August 31, 2020

Make a Difference

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.”- Psalm 42:1 

          This is a Psalm written by King David. It speaks of a time when he was in flight from his own son Absalom, who had rebelled against him. David had been forced to flee Jerusalem and is on the run. In his running he reveals his deep, abiding desire to be in the Lord’s presence. David, in the very first verse, is painting a mental picture of a deer panting after streams of water to quench its thirst. Perhaps the deer is fleeing hunters, as David was. Perhaps that is the reason this illustration was used.

          When an individual gives their life to Christ, something happens within them. Their spirit is activated, their soul is reborn, and their heart is jump started. They have new life. According to scripture, they are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). The old has gone, the new is here. We are like newborn babies who are, spiritually speaking, starting a new life. We have new things to learn. We begin to see things through spiritual eyes. We start to understand the things of God that were hidden from us before. To begin to grow spiritually, we must pant after God as a thirsty deer pants for streams of water. It is only through the seeking after God that our spirit will grow. We will shrivel up and die spiritually if we don’t search His word for replenishment. Avoid fellowship through attending a solid, bible-based, Christ centered, preaching and teaching church and we will eventually dry up spiritually. To make a difference with this new life we have been given, we need to cultivate our walk with Christ just as we would cultivate a garden. 

Water is a life force. Water is one of the main staples of life along with bread. We must feed our spirit regularly to become all we can be for God. We haven’t been redeemed to simply kick back and relax our way through life as if nothing has happened to us. We’ve been given a second chance. We need to learn all about the One who gave us that chance. Our slate has been washed clean by the blood of Christ. We must dig deep into the Lord, as if everything depended on it. God is waiting for us to make a difference in our own personal life. Embrace the challenge, drink deep from the spring of living water and go make a difference. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Praise God

“For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.” – Psalm 95:3-5

“For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.” – Psalm 95:3-5

These two verses above are just a microcosm of what any of us should praise God. He is above all other gods. There is nothing He doesn’t know about and nowhere His hand does not touch. The pagan world had many gods (little ‘g’). A god of war … a god of fertility and so on. None of these gods are real, but a product of a vibrant imagination. Almighty God is far superior to these man-made deities in every way, shape and form. While they are capable of nothing, there is nothing the one true God is not capable of.        

             This Psalm begins with a hymn that praises God for all He is. The first seven verses lift up the name of Jehovah, declaring His worthiness to be praised. Interestingly enough the final four verses declare a warning to not let your hearts become hardened against the Lord. Listen to His Word and obey what you are told. God isn’t a cruel taskmaster. You are not punished for resisting instruction until the last trumpet is sounded and time is no more. God’s loving kindness and mercy allow Him to hold back His hand of judgment, so all have ample opportunity to hear and obey.

       The Lord created us and is our Heavenly Father. He treats us as if we are exactly what the Word declares we are, children of God. Instead of feeding your mind with useless information, plug into God and acknowledge His greatness each day. Of all the crutches man has made for himself, none can surpass the glory and majesty of Almighty God. Man’s insistence on living an autonomous life shall lead to his doom. “There’s a way that seems right to a man whose end is death.” (Proverb 14:12) Acknowledge who God is in relation to you and lift up His name regularly. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Friday, August 28, 2020

Faith Replaces the Law

“Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So, the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.”  Galatians 3:23-25  

          The Galatians had fallen back into living by the Law of Moses and not by the faith they had originally embraced. Paul is not overly pleased with them. In the beginning of chapter three he first calls them “foolish”, then asks them who had “bewitched” them into clinging once again to the Law over faith. Paul likens living under the Law as being held in custody of a guardian. This was necessary in God’s economy until faith in Christ was introduced to man. (As a side note, when I refer to God’s economy, I am referring to anything and everything that falls under the control of Almighty God.)

          Justification came in the form of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was born, lived among us and died a criminal’s death in our place. That death provided payment for all our sins. They were removed, not just covered them as the Old Testament blood sacrifices did each year. Christ’s death cleansed us once for all time. It also freed us from the Mosaic Law forever. This is seen in the tearing of the veil or curtain that separates the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place in the Jewish Temple (Matthew 27:51). It is significant that the veil was torn from TOP to BOTTOM, a supernatural event that only the Lord could do. That represented our open access to God. No longer were we required to go through a High Priest but could approach God ourselves. We are now able to have a personal relationship with Almighty God directly, where once a go-between was necessary. Many Jews still live by the Mosaic Law to this day, not realizing that their Messiah had come. 

          A relationship with God, which may seem impossible, is made possible by a single death. God dwelling within us in the form of His Holy Spirit, made possible by a single act of love. Christ’s death on a wooden cross shall stand for all time as the most selfless act of love and mercy known to man and yet millions reject that act each day. There is no other hope of redemption. Without forgiveness, sin goes unpaid and all hope vanishes. Living for God gives life, freedom and hope for all our tomorrows. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Facts Can Deceive

“For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.”Psalm 95:3-5


“It is in its original (form) a truly Hebrew song, directed both in its exhortation and warning to the Jewish people … .” – Charles H. Spurgeon

          The Spirit of God moved upon David to write this song of exhortation regarding the greatness of God. All creation was made by His own hand. The seas, the hills and mountain peaks. Those who don’t believe in God are constantly seeking scientific facts to prove or discredit Christianity. They don’t realize that facts are not required here, but simple childlike faith. Trusting only in what we can see, taste, touch and smell isn’t really trust, for that would beg the question, ‘what if our senses deceive us’? We are relying on our own intellect and understanding regarding what a smell, taste, texture or appearance truly is. What if we are wrong? Who has determined these things? Are they trustworthy? Faith doesn’t rely on our senses, but instead relies on a quickening of the spirit within us to see things that are unseen to the naked eye. If we could see God belief in Him wouldn’t require faith. Yet seeing His handiwork all around us seems insufficient for some.

          Throughout scripture, the virtues of Almighty God are presented. He is great and above all other man-made gods for He never fails. He speaks to His children by the Holy Spirit and keeps any and all promises He makes. The individual who doesn’t use eyes of faith will never see God for who He truly is. They spend their time looking for hard, cold facts to base their beliefs on. All things that could be considered factual have been determined to be so by mortal men. Exercising one’s faith is to read or hear something regarding God for instance and choose to either believe or reject that which you have read or heard. We all have that right based on the free will we have been given. To reject God is to say that everything around us just happened and was not formed by an unseen force prior to our very existence.

          In the end, it only takes intellect to believe in facts and figures. Those with imagination and a sense of things which are greater than themselves and inexplicable, choose to exercise faith. God was and is and always shall be. I choose to believe that. I accept that there are many things that I don’t understand, but also accept that I don’t have to. Believing in God takes courage and a certain boldness. We allow our faith to give birth to hope and hope is what sustains us in our darkest hour. Exercise your faith. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

God is Always There

“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping’, your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” - Psalm 94:18-19


 “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘why did you doubt?’”- Matthew 14:30-31


          Here we have two examples of how God saves His children from harm. In Psalm 94, an anonymous writer cringes under the oppressive hand of his adversary and wonders when God will bring retribution. When I think of a foot slipping, I imagine in my mind’s eye an individual climbing a rocky incline. When someone walks on wet, mossy rocks on a jetty by the ocean they might also have the occasion to slip. The writer proclaims something that the Bible makes abundantly clear throughout its pages: the unfailing love of God. There is nothing that compares to the unconditional, eternal love of our creator for His creation. That love, says the writer, supported him. 

          Shifting gears to Peter in the gospel of Matthew: the disciples were in a boat on lake heading to Gennesaret when they spied what they thought to be a ghost coming towards them walking on the water. It was Jesus. He told them not to fear. Peter, in all his brash, boldness, said that if it was truly Jesus, bid him come to Him on the water. Jesus bid him come and the rest of the story is shown above. 

          The wind and waves in the gospel story represent life’s turbulence and troubles. We can become terrified as Peter did at the sight of them or we can remain calm and trust our Savior. He panicked, a very human response, and was saved by Jesus’ own hand. Notice the word ‘immediately’ in verse 31. We should be thankful that while our help may not always be immediate, when the situation is critical and immediacy is warranted, God is there with His hand extended. Joy may be an understatement for the feelings we might experience in the face of trouble that has been either remedied or averted altogether. God is always there watching, loving, caring. He is always there even when no one else is. Yield your life to His care. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Incline Your Heart Toward God

“You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You." - Isaiah 26:3 Amplified Bible (AMP)

          I like the Amplified Bible translation of this verse. It’s filled with positive words and phrases that are designed to give those living for God encouragement and hope. “Guard him – keep him – perfect and constant peace”. We need to let such things soak into our psyche*.

          We see a conditional situation here. God will guard the individual and keep him perfectly and constantly at peace if his mind is focused on Him. While the word ‘if’ doesn’t appear in the scripture, it is implied with the phrase ‘whose mind is stayed on You …’ It could have easily been translated ‘if his mind is inclined toward You’, for God is not going to do those things for just anyone. He is going to do them for those whose mind is focused on Him, thus making it a conditional statement. God knows the heart of a man; therefore, He would absolutely know the inclination and character of any individual heart’s motivation. All this transpires because the individual is committed to God. He is relying on and hoping in Him who controls all things.

           Why would a person lean so heavily on an unseen entity? Nothing can be proven, but rather is believed by faith. Even that which can be seen can deceive us, just like an oasis in a dry desert. As a matter of fact, that is exactly what life without God truly is; a dry, desolate, lifeless desert with no hope. Faith believes in the unseen as if it can be seen. Faith gives people hope. Faith is cool water in a dry and thirsty land. We believe in God by faith based on what the scriptures teach and add to that our own experiences as God fills our lives with answered prayers and blessings unseen to the naked eye. Some of the greatest gifts cannot be seen, but rather are felt within.

          We are the beneficiaries of such a commitment to God, for His promises are ‘yea and amen’ (1 Corinthians 1:20). What He says He shall do; He shall do at the proper time and in the proper manner. We are never left standing uncovered out in the icy cold rain. God makes provision for us and sustains all who commit their way unto Him, lean on Him and place all their hope in Him. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

'Psyche' is one of a group of words that come from Greek psukhē – ‘life, breath, soul'; defined in the Oxford Dictionary as ‘the human soul, mind, or spirit’.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Justified by His Grace

“At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.”- Titus 3:3-7

          Paul writes to Titus this instructional letter so that he will know what needs to be “put in order” in Crete, where Paul had left him. Chapter 3 begins with the great Apostle telling Titus that we were saved to do good for the kingdom of God. He points out that those who are now saved were once slaves to sin, hating and envying each other. It is no different today. Those who have received the forgiveness God freely gives were once disobedient to all that the Lord stands for. It is shown here that there is nothing we could have ever done in and of ourselves to become saved, but rather, it was solely by the mercy of God. And how did this salvation occur? By being washed in the blood of Christ which acted as a bleaching agent, removing the darkest stains from our souls. If we have been washed under this blessed fount, we have been reborn and renewed by the Spirit of God. Our lives shall never be the same. The price paid for the forgiveness we now enjoy is too great to ignore. There is no way that we should pass it off as just another event in our lives. It should be a landmark day in our existence; the day our soul was set free so that our spirit could soar to the heavens. It is the day our lives should have changed for the better. We are never to return to our past practices, but rather reach for the higher ground the Lord provides for us.

          By the grace or unmerited favor of God we are seen by Him as if we had never, ever sinned in our lives. Are we to go back into the pen with the other pigs as if we were never cleaned? We have been made righteous in God’s sight. This is no small thing. God wishes to instruct us and guide us. The main object of our existence is now to become more like Him each day. We have been awakened from our sin induced slumber. It is now necessary for us to run the race set before us. We must not sprint ahead, but rather pace ourselves so as not to stumble. God provides the encouragement through His word. He provides the strength and guidance through His Holy Spirit. Eternal life weighs in the balance. We are not to take our salvation lightly. Something is required of us. Christ didn’t die for us to receive forgiveness and then go about our merry way as if no change had occurred in us. We are to strive to live worthy of the price paid for the pardon we’ve received. Salvation is a wonderful blessing and gift from God. Rejoice and live life to the fullest for you are loved unconditionally and nothing you do will ever change that. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

God Hears our Voice

“I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”- Psalm 116:1-2 NIV

                  We don’t know who wrote this Psalm and we don’t know the specifics of the occasion, but it is obvious the writer was extremely grateful for the Lord’s answer to his cry for mercy. This prayer of thanks and worship could apply to physical or spiritual death that seemed to be impending. These first two verses are evidence that God hears us when we pray and moves on our behalf. Even when the heavens seem like glass and an answer doesn’t appear to be forthcoming, God is there. His timing is always perfect. 

                  There have been many times men of God had cried out to their Lord for mercy and He never failed to produce. Jonah in the belly of the whale. Moses in the wilderness. David throughout his many Psalms. Saul, who became Paul, the Apostle. All great men because they prayed, God heard and acted on their behalf.  

It is when we cry out that God moves. He is more than capable of moving independent of us and certainly does when necessary, but it is imperative that we become active participants in the prayer process. We mustn’t sit idly by waiting for things to happen.  That doesn’t mean nothing happens if we don’t pray, because someone is praying, but things don’t start to move until people pray. What a privilege to speak to God, the Creator of all things that exist, including man’s first breathe. I wonder why believers don’t avail themselves of this blessing more? Praying is simply talking to God. It doesn’t require King James English to pray. We can be anyone in His creation and we can catch God’s ear. He is always there, always listening and ready to move on our behalf. Do not allow life’s discouragements and disappointments to thwart your prayer life. God answers when He knows the best time is for the answer. But I firmly believe that when our words drift up to heaven and are heard, the wheels in heaven begin to turn. Call of God. Call on him often. Call on his not just with your needs and/or problems, call on him with praise and worship. He is worthy and we are in need. Father God let Your perfect, undeniable will be done in our midst that we may testify of Your glory, honor and power. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Friday, August 21, 2020

Word for the Day

"The real war isn't on the outside, it's on the inside. When you can fight and overcome the lusts & demands of your flesh, when you can turn to God instead of your habits & find pleasure, peace, & solace in the things of the spirit, when you can master yourself, you will have the power you need to change your life & the world around you." - Unknown

rlkeller - bread of life ministries

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Symbolism in Scripture

“After Jesus was baptized, he immediately came up from the water. Suddenly, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God coming down as a dove to him. Then a voice from heaven said, “‘This is my Son, whom I love—my Son with whom I am pleased.’”- Matthew 3:16-17 (GOD’S WORD Translation)


            Here we see our Heavenly Father proclaiming that Jesus is His Son. The dove coming down from the heavens to Him is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. In our day, the dove is used most commonly in non-Christian circles as a symbol of peace, often times with an olive branch in its mouth. While Jesus is the embodiment of peace, it is the Holy Spirit that is paramount in this case and not the ever elusive ‘peace’. The Holy Spirit is given to us as a guide and advocate. He is readily available to us at all times and resides within us if we have received redemption. The gift of the Spirit is secondary to salvation of course, but He is most necessary in our walk with Christ. Going it alone in this life is like going out of your house without clothing. It is like going into battle without a weapon. We certainly wouldn’t do that, so why do we go about our business without a second thought given to our greatest help?

            There is a second lesson in these two verses for us and that is the issue of baptism. It is a public proclamation of the change that has taken place in our life. We are to follow Jesus’ example in baptism, which is symbolic of the old nature dying and the new nature rising up from a watering grave to live on. It is done in the name of the Triune God; the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Obedience is sought by our God. It’s the least we can do in response to what has been done for us. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

He Paid a Debt He Did Not Owe

“When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.”Colossians 2:13-14 


We carry a debt that we cannot pay and that is the debt owed to God for our sin. According to God we were dead in our sins. For those of us who accepted His gracious gift of forgiveness through salvation as afforded to us by the blood Christ shed on Calvary’s cross, we are no longer dead but rather alive. We are now free from the shackles our sin held us in. The debt has been removed, paid in its’ entirety. A big PAID IN FULL has been stamped on our account. 


Psalm 103:12 “… as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”


            The sins that we have committed, when forgiven, are never remembered against us again. In Micah, the prophet speaks of God having compassion on the Israelites, hurling their sins into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19). It has been lyrically referred to as the “sea of forgetfulness”. He doesn’t hold our sins that have been covered in Christ’s blood against us ever again. We have been justified, which simply put means, “just as if I’d never sinned”. What joyous news! However, we mustn’t allow His grace to become a cheap thing to us by living as we please after our debt has been removed. We should feel compelled to praise Him and live according to His precepts, for no one else can pay our debt. 

            Treating the debt as if it doesn’t exist, thus negating the payment necessary in our own minds creates a façade that everything is well with us when nothing could be further from the truth. Just as the creditors will come knocking on your door for that credit card debt that goes unpaid, so God will require payment some day. Don’t miss the chance of a lifetime to live for Him who paid the debt you could never pay yourself. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


Dealing with Unwholesome Talk

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”Ephesians 4:29

We wrestle with our old nature a lot more than we have to and therein lies the basic reason why we all say things we shouldn’t say. We feed our minds with things that we shouldn’t feed it. It’s like the black dog / white dog illustration; the one fed the most is stronger. Feed the white dog. Some things seem ingrained in us. Foul language for example. If the truth be known, we all slip up from time to time. It shouldn’t be a normal speech pattern for us; however, it happens. The scripture that always gnawed at me was in James letter “to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations” (James 1:1). 


James 3:9-12 - With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and saltwater flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.” 


            He’s right. How is it possible that out of our mouths come both blessings and curses? I wish I knew. I am as guilty as the next person. It bothers me a lot and in that I suppose I should take some solace. At least I know the Holy Spirit is still convicting me of my bad behavior. It would be a major cause for concern if I didn’t care that I spoke improperly. It’s all part of the sanctification process. Will we allow ourselves to listen and learn from God’s Spirit so we can effectively alter our behavior? We need to.

            Our lives, whether Christian or not, are in a constant state of flux. We are changing every day, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. It depends on our heart’s attitude. We should be focusing on God and His word for direction, yet we rarely make the time. Even when we read scripture each day, its message doesn’t stick in our mind, heart or spirit as we forget what we have read moments later when life crowds it out. Our old nature will fight us as long as we let it. We can keep our old nature in check by feeding the white dog within. We can’t do this thing by ourselves. We need the help of God’s Holy Spirit to lead and guide us through life’s mine field. We can do it, but it takes us making an effort to change. God provides that change, we need to take ownership of it. God hasn’t taken us to the place we are at to simply drop us off and walk away. He loves us and will see us through whatever we are going through. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Monday, August 17, 2020

Christianity isn’t a Religion …

There are key differences between Christianity and the other major world religions. The Hindus believe all roads lead to heaven. In other words, there are a variety of paths you can take to get to heaven. Is that true? First, we must understand that Hinduism is a world religion that has no origin. No one seems to know when it started or who started it. Buddhism at least has a beginning and a person to point to that started the religion, however, their beliefs are not based on ‘good vs. evil’. No sin, no God, no need for salvation. Islam claims that Christ never really died but rather was sitting at the right hand of God while He only made it appear to the human eye that Christ really died. According to Islam he never really died at all.  So the Bible would then be full of lies and deceit. I don’t believe that for a second, but I suppose that’s the only way they can legitimize their beliefs. To the Islamists Christ was simply another prophet/teacher like Mohammed.

Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship, personal in nature, intimate at its core. It is the only belief system that offers forgiveness for sin and a singular person who performs a selfless act to provide that forgiveness. If any and all paths lead to heaven, then why did Jesus have to die? The notion of there being many ways to achieve heaven minimizes what Christ did for all mankind on the cross. With regard to intimacy, scripture tells us the closer we draw near to God, the closer He draws near to us (James 4:8a). One day we will know even as we are known (1 Corinthians 13:12). Dismiss other schools of religious thought as false and embrace that which you have believed. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

James 4:7-8a “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”

1 Corinthians 13:12 … “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Truth or Fiction

“Don't let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they are only human teachings. They come from the powers of this world and not from Christ.”Colossians 2:8 - (CEV)

There are many in this life who would challenge the believer with human arguments. Atheists pride themselves in their unbelief, yet their words are powerless and nonsensical in the face of the truth of God. They have chosen not to follow Christ because they desire to be autonomous instead. They don’t want to have to answer to any higher authority. If that is the case one would think they would be against all government rule and become anarchists as well.

Some people who choose not to believe in God have a desire to make true believers out to be lunatics and fools. God cannot be mocked for as the scripture states, “what you sow, so shall you reap” (Galatians 6:7). Just because they don’t believe a word of the Bible doesn’t keep its’ truth from coming to fruition. Don’t allow these babblers to influence you in any way. Immerse yourself all the more in God’s word and turn a deaf ear to their inane ramblings which amount to nothing more than idle words, spoken for their own personal gratification. If you doubt the existence of God, open your heart and mind and ask Him today if He truly is who He says He is, to show you. If you are sincere, then you will find out what billions of others across the globe have found to be true … that God is real, and Christ really did die to pay for your sins. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Friday, August 14, 2020

Thoughts from a Random Mind

When I think about my life and all I have been through, it is very hard not to think about the negative things that I have inflicted upon myself. God didn’t do it, I did. There are times when I have dwelled on those times so much that I had become mired in a depressed state. In reality, the past is the past and cannot be altered. I know that to be true and always have, but sometimes we entertain negative thoughts allowing our minds to become a playground for the devil. He delights in pointing out all the reasons why God would not love us. This is why the Bible calls him a liar and the father of all lies (John 8:44).  

          Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39). We must leave the past in the past and focus on the present and the future, both of which are in God’s capable hands. We can resurrect our lives from the rubble of past mistakes. Our mistakes do not define us as people. God still loves us, and He still wants to use us for His glory. If I have learned anything in my life it is that I am flawed, and God is not. We will never be perfect, but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Thoughts from a Random Mind

            Sometimes I feel like …“God, what on earth do You see in me that makes You want to love me the way you do?” We acknowledge our sinfulness and our efforts to try to improve, but our failings can sometimes weigh us down. You see, I know myself all too well, but so does God.

Any struggles I have had have largely been my own doing. A bad decision here, poor judgment there and I’ve created a big mess. When I am the most down, I’m reminded of Paul’s poignant words in Romans 7:15-16a, 18b-20 and 24 …

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, … I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. … What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?”

           God provides the answer to Paul’s question in Jesus Christ. Yes, in and of ourselves we are most definitely wretched men. And in and of ourselves we can do nothing to please God. God knew this and sent the solution for our dilemma; His Son. Christ’s death frees us from our sin. If we embrace it and allow it to transform us, we will be a little more like our Lord each day. In the end it is not all about us; it is about living for God one day at a time through the power of the Holy Spirit who resides within us. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Thursday, August 13, 2020


“So, they cried out to the LORD in their distress, and God delivered them from their desperate circumstances.“Psalm 107:6 (CEB)

Throughout our lives there will come people who will feel it necessary to lie about you and speak or act in a dishonest manner regarding you for their own gain. It has happened to me and it no doubt has happened to you. Some of the things that have been said, albeit untrue, have had a very negative effect on relationships with those who are connected somehow to both parties. There are times when dishonesty can cost a person their job, even though the evidence of the accusation is nonexistent. It can be a very bitter pill to swallow.

Know this; God is not mocked. If you are His child retribution for those who lie, cheat or steal for their own gain is coming. We need do nothing but continue to live for our God. He will take care of those who seek to destroy our lives or our reputations. Nothing can harm us any more than we allow it to. God is our protector and will not allow us to fall if we are living for Him. Even when we slip up and make a disappointing mistake, when we seek forgiveness with a contrite or sincere heart, we stand forgiven as if it had never taken place. The consequences must play out and there may be some associated pain that comes with that, but your enemies will not prosper forever at your expense. Their day is coming. God will see to it. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Other verses:

Psalm 120:2 (CEB) “LORD, deliver me from lying lips and a dishonest tongue!”

Psalm 34:4 (CEB) “I sought the LORD and he answered me. He delivered me from all my fears.”

Psalm 54:7 (CEB) “… God has delivered me from every distress. My eyes have seen my enemies’ defeat."

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Thoughts from a Random Mind

Decisions we make in haste often end in disaster. I resemble that remark. Getting ahead of God can cost us time, money and unnecessary pain and heartache. We think we know what we are doing but find out, usually too late, that we were wrong. 

I was reflecting on my past early this morning and that opening line came to me. Some folks blame God for the calamities that befall them, as if He sits on His throne thinking of ways to trip us up. The calamities are our own fault, no one else. We rush ahead with giddy excitement toward the person or thing that we think we need, when all it is is a mirage; something whose attraction will probably fade in the coming days, months or years after acquiring them or it. Doing things on a whim is no way to live. Seeking the face of God in all circumstances, patiently waiting for Him and then doing that which you know in your heart is FROM Him is the way to peace and contentment. Anything else is a mistake that will throw you off course on your way down the narrow path of life with God. Trust me, I know. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Thoughts from a Random Mind

I have often admitted something I am not very proud … I have a bad problem of judging people by their appearance. I assess them in mere moments, sometimes seconds. I determine what their intellect is, what economic level they belong to, whether they are nice or not so nice, their sexual orientation ... you name it, I have it down. It’s so automatic that I do it without even thinking. I know I am like this and I am not at all proud of it either. I have asked God to forgive me for such an ungodly habit and while I do it much less than I used to, I continue to do it. 
Within the last few days I believe God has revealed to me how I can combat this terrible, sinful practice; learn to see others the way He does. I once heard it said that we should see others as people walking a tightrope above a fiery abyss. I suppose I could do that, or I could just begin to practice seeing people the way God does; lost souls who think, say and do the things they do because they don't know any better. It's not their fault, they are a product of the fall of man. I need to be Christ to people, not their judge and jury. I mean, with the track record I have SINCE I have received Christ 41 years ago, I have no room to talk. As you can well imagine, I am eternally grateful for God's patience and mercy. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.
Richard Keller
Bread of Life Ministries

Friday, August 7, 2020

Thoughts from a Random Mind

awe·some adj. 1. Inspiring awe; 2. Expressing awe; 3. Slang Remarkable; excellent; outstanding.
The word awesome’ appears 28 times in the TNIV translation of the Bible, all being in the OT; either God Himself or His deeds were referred to as such. Today, in our culture, anything can be ‘awesome’ from the morning’s oatmeal, to a first date, to a vacation. I have a question: Have we trivialized the word ‘awesome’? God parted the Red Sea and it was a miraculous event … it was AWESOME.  How does that truly compare to a first kiss or a movie we just saw? I too have fallen into the trap of using the “slang” term ‘awesome’ to describe my day or the weather. Perhaps we should ascribe such a descriptive adjective to God alone and nothing or no one else. Wouldn’t that be AWESOME!! Just a thought. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Richard Keller
Bread of Life Ministries

Thursday, August 6, 2020

The God of Truth

“Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ to further the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness — in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time, … .”Titus 1:1-2  
God is the essence of truth; however, we can say that all day long and it doesn’t necessarily make it so. As the old saying goes, “the proof is in the tasting”. First, we must have an open mind, heart and spirit to receive from the Lord. Then we must consider His word for what it is, or at least what it says it is. The Bible refers to itself as the “word of God” 39 times in Today’s New International Version. The most important thing, though, is that we must release our faith. We must believe in a deity that cannot be see with the human eye. Once we allow the Spirit of God to minister to our spirit, we will begin to see, feel and sense that God IS who He says He is; that He IS the truth and that there is no falsehood in Him. It’s definitely a faith and trust issue. 
Any other means by which people attempt to achieve eternal life shall vanish right in front of them. As Christians, our one true hope for eternity is wrapped up in a promise from the God called Jehovah. We trust Him because He has never given us a reason to NOT trust Him. The more we know about Him, the closer our relationship with Him will be. As we mature in our spiritual walk with God, we will realize that He has not, will not and could not lie to us. The Lord is the only constant in a sea of inconsistency. He is our only totally reliable source of hope in this lost and dying world. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Richard Keller
Bread of Life Ministries

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Being Christ to Others

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”Luke 19:10   “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?”Luke 15:4  
Jesus is referred to in scripture as the Great Shepherd. As depicted in Luke 15:4, a shepherd will seek high and low to find the one sheep from his flock that has wandered off. Those under his care are safe, but the one that is lost is in great danger. Jesus shed His own blood to save those lost and dying souls who don’t know Him as well as those who have embraced “the gift” of salvation. 
We need to start seeing those around us with Jesus eyes. We don’t need to see them as if they are somehow less than us because they are unable to see the truth right in front of them. No, just as Christ showed us mercy in our ignorance, we must also see all others with that same type of mercy. We see some pretty interesting looking people out there in this wacky world of ours. We need to look past the outer shell and see that they too have a beating heart in need of love, patience, grace and forgiveness. Just because we believe in Christ doesn’t make us any better than anyone else. We need to see people as God sees them and display His love, patience, mercy and grace for them. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Richard Keller
Bread of Life Ministries

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Fervently Seeking God

“… without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”Hebrews 11:6 
Just believing in something or someone isn’t nearly enough when it comes to God. We must surrender our entire being to His use. We must seek His face daily and learn from Him through His word. Faith is believing in that which we cannot see as if we can. Without faith we are a rudderless ship. Faith gives birth to trust which as a result gives birth to hope. A life without hope is a sad life indeed. 
Seeking God is not a requirement, but rather should be the natural outgrowth of a life that has been transformed. If His Spirit is IN you, it will become a natural thing to seek Him and strive to BE like Him. We try to emulate all sorts of people in our lives and yet neglect the One who gives life. Seriously seek God with sincere determination … start today. It will change the trajectory of your life.
Richard Keller
Bread of Life Ministries

ear•nest adj. 1. Marked by or showing deep sincerity or seriousness: an earnest gesture of goodwill. 2. Of an important or weighty nature; grave. 3. With a purposeful or sincere intent. 4. Serious; determined.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Becoming Spiritually Fit

“Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Some of us spend an inordinate amount of time working our bodies as if we would live forever in this present state. The simple reality of it is that from the moment we are born our bodies start an unalterable move toward death. We can eat better foods and live our lives in a healthy state or conversely, eat and drink ourselves into a state far less desirable. In the end we shall all die. However, for the Christian, there is the hope of eternal glory that awaits them.
We must as believers allow our eyes of faith see that which others cannot as we move through this life God has given us. A fit body is a very good thing, but being spiritually fit is far more important, for it has eternal implications. As we seek and serve God in our everyday lives, we are being renewed each day. The troubles we encounter are nothing compared to what awaits us on the other side. Be of good cheer, God loves you unconditionally and shall lead you through the potholes of life. This world is temporal … “a chasing after the wind *.
Richard Keller
Bread of Life Ministries

“I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” – Ecclesiastes 1:14

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Listening vs. Hearing

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”James 1:22 NIV
       Did you know there was a difference in listening and hearing? How many times have you listened to sermon or Bible teaching and 30 minutes after it was over you couldn’t tell someone else what you heard? Could it be because you didn’t HEAR it at all, although you were listening? You didn’t absorb into your mind and heart that which was being said. That’s happened to me more times than I care to admit. Perhaps you were sleepy. Perhaps you’re easily distracted. When someone speaks the word of God, they are presenting a message that God had laid on their heart to share for those present at that particular time. We need to train ourselves to listen intently to that which is being said for it is food for our spirit and marching orders for our soul.
                  Not only are we to listen and DIGEST the words spoken, we are to put those words into action. If you lack boldness, ask that you be infused with a holy boldness to take action in the name of the Lord.  The Holy Spirit WILL instruct and guide you if you ask Him. The Lord God desires for you to imitate His Son, Jesus Christ. It is part of His plan for your life, to walk and talk with the authority of Christ. We have nothing at all to fear. The Spirit of God will rise up in you and you will do marvelous things in His name. Focus on that which the Lord lays before you and stand up for righteousness at all times. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Richard Keller
Bread of Life Ministries