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Saturday, February 22, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 9

Reason 9 - The Burden of Proof


“Atheists argue that the burden of proof lies with those making extraordinary claims, such as the existence of a deity. Since believers have yet to provide convincing evidence for their claims, atheists see no reason to accept them. They adopt a position of disbelief until presented with sufficient evidence, much like a jury evaluates a case.”

I’m not exactly sure how this reason is any different from reason 1, a lack of evidence, but I’ll address the reason just the same. As stated in the first post, there is NO VERIFABLE EVIDENCE forthcoming. That would negate the need for faith. Those with an open mind can search the scriptures looking for the positive affirmation found there, rather than seeking reasons NOT to believe. 

Atheists have seemed to put Christianity on trial where they are the judge, prosecuting attorney, and jury all in one. They read books my atheistic authors who spout unproven notions regarding why Christianity is false and God in fact does not exist. I believe that Christianity is attacked as much as it is because it is the only faith-based system of belief that threatens their sensibilities. With Christianity atheists have to deal with the sin question and having to give up their autonomy to serve rather than be served or simply serve themselves. 

If one goes into a research topic with preconceived ideas their research will be slanted. It seems to me that atheism is rather self-serving. The individual can handle anything that comes their way. They don’t need advice from sources they don’t believe in. They see themselves as their own god, so to speak, because they make all their own decisions without input from anyone else or from like-minded people. 

Not all Christians are judgmental or harsh. Those who truly believe have figured out that living out their faith publicly will have a much more positive effect on those they encounter each day than just rattling off bible verses in what may feel like a condescending way. Christian must strive to BE JESUS to non-believers. Show others what it means to be a genuine Christian and not just a Christian in name only. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

Friday, February 21, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 8

Reason 8 - Negative Personal Experiences


“Personal experiences, such as hypocrisy, abuse, or exclusion within religious institutions, often lead to disillusionment. For example, someone hurt by judgmental or corrupt religious leaders may question the validity of the faith they represent. These experiences can spark a deeper investigation into the foundations of religion, culminating in atheism.”

I certainly get that a negative experience could drive you away from organized religion. I suppose I’d feel the same way. As I said in an earlier post, bad experiences shouldn’t cause you to completely turn away from God altogether. Change churches, but abandoning God altogether only hurts you, no one else. Although, having said that, I guess it all depends on your upbringing. If you grew up either in an ungodly home or a very strict religious home, that experience could drive you away from “religion”. Perhaps that’s why I tend to turn away from the term “religion” and use instead “relational”. You see, I believe we can all have a very personal, intimate relationship with the Creator of all things if we so desire.

Bad things happen to everyone at one point or another in their lives. That goes for Christians as well as non-Christians. It is understandable that those bad events would taint a person’s overall view of whatever was involved with the bad event. I’ve known people who have walked away from a church because of the way they may have been treated or ignored or even shunned, but they didn’t turn away from God. They understood the flaw(s) that can exist in church run by humans who might be overzealous or misinformed regarding their rendering of scripture and simply went to find a church more to their liking. Those who have it in their mind to find problems will indeed find problems, even if they happen to be fabrications in their mind, like “I don’t like the way the worship team sings” or “the minister preaches over my head”. 

It's sad that many churches seem to think they are THE place to go and believe they only ones who rightly divide the Word of God. I’ve known of churches like that. More times than not they tend to be judgmental as they stubbornly cling to their own viewpoint, leaving no room for change. 

If you see no need for some God to rule over you, then by all means, continue down the path you are on. But don’t blame the God you don’t believe exists for any bad thing that may happen to you. It simply doesn’t work that way. You’ll have to grapple with where evil comes from on your own. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

Thursday, February 20, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 7

Reason 7 - Moral Independence


“Many atheists reject the notion that morality requires religion. They argue that ethical behavior is rooted in empathy, social contracts, and evolutionary biology, not divine commandments. By rejecting religion, they embrace the freedom to create their own moral code, which they see as more adaptable and relevant to modern society.”


            That’s interesting. Atheists believe they can “create their own moral code”. What would they base that code on? So in other words every person in existence should be able to create their own moral code. What if someone believes it is morally right to kill someone who they have determined is a really bad person? Would that be okay? Or it is okay because it doesn’t affect you personally. Who says what is good and what is bad? Who determines what is moral and what is immoral? An atheist would have to put together a moral code that worked for everyone in existence, wouldn’t they? Or is it that you establish your own moral code and whatever anyone else does is their own business? Hmmm. I don’t think that really works. What you think is moral may not garner any support from those in your sphere of influence. What then? 

            In spite of what anyone may think, mankind if truly incapable of living a moral and/or ethically sound life independent of all others. Put a group of 20 people in a room together and see how many people will agree with one another regarding proper morals and ethics. I’ll bet not too many. So how is this supposed to work? 

            In Christianity, God has established a set of statutes for living that work for all who would care to live by them. They are based on loving God and each other. On treating others as better than yourself. On treating others the same way you’d like them to treat you. Life shouldn’t be ALL ABOUT YOU. Christianity seeks a selfless life that lives out those examples Jesus Himself lived while He was alive on earth. Allowing for differences in understanding and our ability to question things, Christianity is quite a nice belief system that highlights peace, hope and love as their main influencers. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 6

Reason 6 - Indoctrination and Fear Tactics


“Religions often use indoctrination from a young age and fear-based tactics, such as the threat of eternal damnation, to enforce belief. Atheists reject this as psychological manipulation, arguing that a truly loving God would not rely on fear or coercion to gain followers, further supporting their disbelief.”

            The sad part about this is that atheists are not allowing for ignorant people, who call themselves religious and even go to church regularly, who may be a little unhinged regarding their beliefs. Their behavior is a stain on Christendom & any other religion that has such incidents, but it shouldn’t be a call out against God. Almighty God doesn’t literally control peoples thoughts, words, and/or actions. People worldwide improperly interpret their religions sacred text and act accordingly. That is a blight on them personally, not their entire belief system and/or God Himself.

            What it seems like to me is that those who do not wish to believe look for ANY reason to fortify their position. Indoctrination and fear sound like tactics used mainly by cults and not mainline religions. There are always exceptions to that in any group, but I would say that stating these things as sound reasoning for NOT believing in an unseen deity seems to me like a fishing expedition. 

            I whole heartedly agree with the atheists on this one. There is absolutely NO room for any manipulating maneuvers. A person does not go to hell because they don’t embrace all the doctrines of a religion. The leaders of that religion may think so, but they would be incorrect in their thinking. God IS a “truly loving God” who DOES NOT “rely on fear or coercion to gain followers”. Not at all. Never. Those who propagate that way of thinking are misguided and not at all pleasing to Almighty God or whoever they worship.

            This is why God views the heart of an individual while humans are unable to do that. Don’t believe in the existence of God if you like, but please don’t make the tragic mistake of lumping all believers from all religions together and judge them based on the actions of a scant few. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 5

Reason 5 - Cultural Relativity of Religion


“Religions vary widely based on geography, with different cultures worshiping different gods. Atheists argue that this cultural relativity suggests religion is a human invention rather than a universal truth. If one's faith depends largely on where they are born, they reason, it undermines claims of absolute truth.”


“Cultural relativism is the view that concepts and moral values must be understood in their own cultural context and not judged according to the standards of a different culture.” - Wikipedia


            Certain “religions” were started in a certain region of the world and there you will find the largest concentration of followers. They are open to everyone, but they do not seek to ambitiously spread their belief system as a rule. Some “religions” demand allegiance or death. Christianity is, as far as I know, the only belief system that speaks of the prevalence of sin and has the only plan that exists to remove it. The other “religions” cater to the individual and his or her enlightenment or growth into a deeper acceptance of their tenets, which largely involve peace, love, kindness, mercy, and passivity. While that is a noble mantra, they put the onus on the individual to achieve these characteristics on their own thru meditation, fasting, etc. But what of sin? If you are to achieve an other worldly existence after death then you must adhere to their beliefs. The origin of their beliefs come from regular individuals who claim to have achieved a certain level of spiritual understanding. Therefore followers revere the individual who either has long since died or is still living and fully accepted as their leader.

            The thing about the doctrines of Christianity is that they are true in any region of the world. Some of the stories and/or illustrations given may mean something a little different when looked at thru the lens of the original time period, but it doesn’t alter the main message being conveyed.

            The existence of sin is side stepped by most other belief systems, with few exceptions. Christians believe they are given a free will by God to do as they please, with the idea that once born again of the spirit they will seek to do that which is pleasing to God and highly beneficial for them. If a person dedicates his life to follow Christ, yet doesn’t change his behavior one iota, then what was the point of becoming born again to begin with. Most other “religions” have rules and regulations that must be followed. Christianity has statutes that are laid out in the Bible that we are called to follow for our own betterment; however, we don’t HAVE to follow them. Not following could lead to becoming disillusioned, and resentful where the individual begins to doubt what he believes. What you put into it is what you will get out of it. 

            Just because there are a plethora of “religions” in the world today, that doesn’t mean they are all false. Satan works overtime to trip people up with false teachings that keep them from the truth. This begs the question, “Is there an absolute truth?” That is a deep subject for another time. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministry

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;         

Monday, February 17, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 4

Reason 4 - Scientific Understanding


“As science advances, it provides natural explanations for phenomena that were once attributed to gods. The Big Bang theory, evolution, and neuroscience explain the origins of the universe, life, and consciousness without invoking a deity. Atheists often see science as a more reliable, evidence-based framework for understanding the world than religion.”


            The Big Bang is a theory, not based on factual information, but rather human scientific research. My immediate question is if atheists are skeptical of 40 different men writing scripture over 1500 years, then why are they not skeptical of many scientists doing research and having flawless results. Couldn’t they have made mistakes along the way? Did they have preconceived ideas regarding the existence of God and creation that could lead them to faulty conclusions. Science is based on theory, not fact. There is no one alive that can provide perfect, flawless, factual data regarding much of anything, but if you don’t believe in the existence of God isn’t it possible that you might allow for sketchy information to influence your opinion?    

            I’ve said this before ... I believe it takes more faith to believe in scientific THEORIES, then to believe there is a spiritual being who by the power of His word, created every living thing. Not to mention the fact that there are some Creationists who hold to the idea that there really WAS a Big Bang, but it was Almighty God proclaiming: “Let there be light!” - BANG! And there was light.

            Maybe what I’m saying sounds completely ridiculous to you, but can’t you even admit that it is possible? I admit I am biased because I happen to believe in the existence of God. I have chosen to believe this by faith. The thing I find interesting is that those who disagree with this viewpoint are rather rude and condescending about it. Those that disagree ridicule any opposition by name calling and assuming a lower level of intelligence for anyone who would believe in something that cannot be proven or even seen. This is not to say that some Christians are the very same way, but as a general rule, I feel believers approach this whole atheistic thought process with kindness. Maybe I’m wrong. But having one or two negative examples shouldn’t taint an entire pool of people.

            Regarding evolution, I find it extremely hard to believe that man has evolved down thru the eons to the state he is currently in, which is not entirely impressive if you ask me. Due to societal influences throughout the ages mankind has drifted far from his potential. A liberal mindset has made inroads that have not all been positive and in some cases have stunted the supposed evolutional process. Outside forces always have a pronounced effect on people, especially if they are amenable to them. The dark side of man seems to regularly rear its ugly head at critical stages in man’s growth. The THEORY of evolution is not factual and therefore, doesn’t really explain anything unless you are willing to accept it without proof. In my opinion, it isn’t necessary to have a deep rooted understanding of science to accept the existence of an unseen deity. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

Saturday, February 15, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 3

Reason 3 - The Problem of Evil

“The existence of suffering, evil, and injustice in the world poses a challenge to the idea of an all-powerful, benevolent deity. Atheists argue that a loving God would not allow atrocities like wars, genocides, or illnesses. The disconnect between religious teachings of a just God and the harsh realities of life reinforces atheistic perspectives.”

            Not believing in the existence of God is going to skew the reasoning of an atheist. Take the existence of evil in the world. Christian’s believe there was a rebellion in heaven which caused the ouster of Lucifer from the heavenly realm. His ejection from heaven saw 1/3rd of the angels go with him. Lucifer became Satan & the apostate angels became demons to do Satan’s bidding. THIS is where we believe evil came from, for this is the account that scripture relays to us. God gave his creation a FREE-WILL to do as they please AND believe as they please. This is essentially because He wants those who are willing to follow, rather than making them follow Him in a regimented way. 

            Now God is omniscient, meaning He knows all that can be known. He knows when people are going to do something sinful and there are no doubt times that He may thwart the effort of the sinful deed succeeding. It is the Christians belief that because God created all things, it stands to reason that He either causes or allows everything that takes in this world. Why would He allow evil? He set things up this way to allow for free will. To stop all evil from taking place simply isn’t the way God constructed His system of belief to work. If there were no evil then there would be no sin and if there were no sin then Jesus wouldn’t have had to die. Perhaps you disbelieve in the existence of Jesus. Flavius Josephus, a noted Jewish historian from the time of Jesus, actually mentions him by name stating that in his opinion He was more than just a man. Now Josephus was not a believer. He simply chronicled historic events from his Jewish perspective. So for me, I tend to lean towards C.S. Lewis’*assessment; that Jesus was either a heretic, a lunatic, or who He said He was, the Son of God.

To allow no evil would be God dictating how we act. In essence that type of world would be a utopian world without free will. Is that really what you want? There really has to be some standard to follow, doesn’t there? Otherwise, how would we know how to act? Man does have the ability to disbelieve in the existence of God, so then if there is no God, where did evil come from? 

I have no idea why God put His redemption plan together this way, but rather than question it, I accept it and live within it’s construct. One day all evil will be removed from the earth, but until that time, we must pray for the safety of mankind and for revival. Just remember, you don’t HAVE to believe all this, but you can. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

C.S. Lewis (b. 1898 d. 1963) was a former atheist who became a lay theologian. He was in his later years a master apologist for the Christian faith.