Ephesians 6:9b (NIV) “ … he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.”
“God is no ‘respecter of persons’, which means that he doesn't judge people based on their skin color, wealth, or ethnicity. “ (www.gospel.com)
I think it is pretty normal for a person to have his or her favorite things in life. We favor certain individuals over others because our personalities seem to mesh with theirs well. We like or dislike certain people based on their upbringing, their appearance, their financial status. Good thing we aren’t God.
The scriptures are clear in this matter. He plays no favorites. He doesn’t like any one person over another. We have been created equal in His sight. What we do with the opportunities He has laid before us determines the path we take in life, but we all have the same opportunities. Any obstacles to them are either caused or allowed by God for a specific purpose. I stopped trying to figure out the minutia of His will and ways a long time ago, finding it a fruitless endeavor. It then becomes what I have been talking about for several months now … faith and trust.
Through the years I have seen so many teachers and preachers portray the Gospel in such intricate detail, making it seem extremely complex. I don’t see it that way. Oh it used to be mysterious to me. Something I could not get my arms around. Then this last year or so I had an epiphany of sorts … it became clear to me that we either believe that God IS and that He is an entity we can trust in and rely on for all necessary things, or we don’t. It really is that simple. Everything we believe after that is reliant on that core belief. If God doesn’t exist, then everything else is moot … there is nothing else to discuss on the subject.
But let’s just suppose that God IS real, as most of us reading this now I would imagine, and accept the fact that He is worthy of our trust and faith. Then we must know that God loves us unconditionally. Do we understand what that means? Do we understand that the Creator of the Universe deeply loves us to such an extent that He has placed NO conditions on His love? It is unbridled, merciful love, despite who we are, where we are from, what we look like, where we have been or what we may have done. NO conditions. There are very few, if any, condition free things in this life, but in God’s economy, there are no conditions placed on His love for us. Now the trick is that we must strive to do the same to those around us. Even the most undesirable ones among us, for they are only undesirable to our human sensibilities, but they are beautiful to God. Love as you are loved.
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