1 Corinthians 3:18-19 “Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.”
True wisdom comes from God. Those who don’t know God believe wisdom can be obtained through schooling, research and the like; reading the writings of world renown scholars. The problem with that lies in the words ‘world renown’; in actuality it’s nothing more than flawed creatures reading the writings of other flawed creatures. The supposed great minds of this world have largely declared that God does not exist. They deduce that since there is no actual proof of His existence He must not exist. In fact, they scoff at those who do believe in God as merely weak individuals in need of a crutch. These weaklings are incapable of the wisdom attained by these self-proclaimed giants of intelligence, so they must grasp for whatever they can get a hold of to prop themselves up. If it happens to be some imaginary spirit being, so be it. The worldly wise toss aside the Bible as just another book that they have determined is nothing short of unspectacular, containing nothing more than interesting stories for the feeble minded.
It’s sad to me that so many people can be so full of themselves that they are incapable of even considering the existence of someone greater than themselves. It will be sad for them when this unseen deity which they have shunned shall require that they kneel before Him and proclaim Him Lord. They really don’t stand a chance, for they have had their minds clouded over by the enemy of our soul. They are the ones who are incapable of discerning true wisdom. God looks upon those of His creation who deem themselves wise as ‘fools’. Man’s greatest achievements are nothing compared to that which God has done and will do. They pale in comparison; in fact, there truly is no comparison at all. All those who require proof in the existence of God may never understand or see the true value of a faith-based belief system; for all the money this world has to offer cannot buy what God provides. Wisdom does not provide lasting peace. It doesn’t provide lasting comfort. Neither does it provide lasting hope. More importantly, it doesn’t provide forgiveness.
Christ came to earth to rescue fallen man. God’s plan was to provide a blood sacrifice to end all blood sacrifices. Christ died for the weak and the wise. Only once a man realizes that all worldly wisdom is flawed and that he is nothing in the shadow of Almighty God can he gain true wisdom and be redeemed.