There is a question that I came
across a few months back that I didn’t know the answer to. The question was “If you were accused of being
a Christian would there be enough evidence for a conviction?” I would like to
think so, but being hard on myself to begin with I kind of doubt it. I might be considered by others to be kind or
humble or considerate, but would I be seen as Christ-like? Now I know that I
don’t need to be perfect in my thoughts, words and actions; that would be
impossible. But should I not at least make the attempt to be more like Christ?
I should. I do try … and I fail, continuously.
I feel like a child when they are just learning how to ride a bike without
training wheels. I want to please the
Lord and I believe I do most of the time, but would there be enough evidence to
show that I am a believer? It’s a
daunting question; one I hope remains unanswered, because I just might not like
what I find out. rlk