I was in Atlantic City for some Midget Car Races and as I drove through the town I a dichotomy* that was quite striking. To the left was row after row of Resort Casinos where millions upon millions of dollars are carelessly frittered away in the hopes of getting filthy rich. To my right was a man huddled in a doorway trying to keep out of the bitter cold. What’s wrong with that picture? There is a portion of our society that insists on ‘throwing good money after bad’. The house always wins, so your chances are slim at best. And even if you did win a million dollars, what would you do with it? There are far too many stories of million dollar lottery winners whose lives were worse off after they had money. I pulled in a 6 figure salary once. I am here to tell you the more you have the more you spend and the bigger your bills become; and what of the person in the doorway? Who knows what the man’s story is, but the fact remains that amid such opulence there is need … a lot of need. It was just a striking contrast is all I am saying. At one time that individual was someone’s infant son or daughter. What happened in their life to bring them to such a lowly state. I wish I could have blessed that person in some small way last night, but I didn’t. I’m not beating myself up over it, I just don’t have any answer for the problem. So I pray. It’s no small thing, but it is all I can think of to do. rlk
*a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.