This is God’s desire for all who seek to live for Him. That our love may increase with each passing day and that our spiritual knowledge and discernment would increase as well. Understand that no matter how long we walk with the Lord we will never arrive spiritually and be superior to anyone else. It should be our desire to emulate Christ in all we think, say and do as a matter of course in our lives. Christ was humble and His humility is a characteristic we need to take on as well as all the others. We must understand that we can do absolutely nothing of any eternal value or consequence without God. This requires submission to the Holy Spirit who is our guide. All this requires a closeness to God that is not acquired by casual association. It requires diligence on our part, a daily seeking and striving. If we are to be more like Christ we must surrender our will to Him and allow Him to teach us how to truly live. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!