The prophet Joel is speaking specifically to the Jews; however, we could easily apply this verse to any believer who has chosen to walk away from the faith. God doesn’t wish that any would perish (2 Peter 3:9). Therefore, knowing that God’s love is unconditional and never-ending, you must return to where you belong as His child. If you have strayed far from His warm embrace it isn’t too late to come back. God is the only one who closes the door, yet gives ample time for those far away to come close. If you know someone who falls into this category, allow the Holy Spirit to use you to direct him back into his rightful place as a child of God. Like the prodigal son of the Old Testament, you can be restored. Don’t allow mistakes and miscalculations in judgment cause you to miss out on the glory that awaits all those who call themselves children of God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!