The difference between a 440 yard dash and a 2.5 mile race is that in one you run as fast as you can for a short distance and with the other you must pace yourself so that you can make it a much longer distance. It requires toughness, determination, strength of will and perseverance. Even if things aren’t going your way, you must learn to focus on the prize that awaits you … the finish line.
It’s no different with the Christian. We encounter hindrances and temptations throughout our lives which require perseverance on our part. Instead of complaining about our misfortune, we need to learn to seek the lesson that God wishes us to learn. He has a will and a plan for each one of us. It’s our responsibility to determine what that is. Don’t allow yourself to burn out. Press on, running life’s good race to its completion; for at its end awaits an eternal prize. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!