This is a common greeting the Apostle Paul started his letters with. What a kind thing to say to someone. You are asking that God’s favor, which is completely undeserved by us, continue to be on the recipient as they go through their day. In addition to that, as if that weren’t enough, you are asking that the peace which this world cannot fathom or comprehend be theirs as well. Have you ever said that to someone? I have had brothers in Christ type that at the end of their emails before. It’s a lovely thing to say to another person.
The fact of the matter is that God’s favor is ever upon us if we have received Christ and are striving to live for Him. As we draw closer to God we will find that we are at peace more and more when facing trying situations. If God is for us what set of circumstances can defeat us (Romans 8:31)? The bare bones fact is that nothing can defeat us unless we allow it to. God’s favor is upon us. Live for God and be at peace. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
* Some manuscripts add this phrase.