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Friday, October 31, 2014


“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” 1 Peter 5:8-9
Take notice of who is saying this to his readers, none other than the one who denied Christ 3 times.  Peter would know first hand the importance of being alert and sober minded.  He allowed the stress and chaos of the moment back in Pilate’s courtyard to get the better of him (Mark 14:66-72).  Now he is encouraging other believers to resist the wiles of the devil, for he is a roaring lion who seeks to trip us up and eat us alive.  In reality, the devil is nothing more than a toothless lion, never able to do anything more than we allow him to do.  God, being in control of all things, is also in control of what he is allowed to do to us.  Perhaps I am wrong, but I take the beginning of the Book of Job quite literally in that Satan must seek permission to come against any of God’s children.  Those outside the family of God are fair game to him.  
 Believers the world over suffer persecution in the form of discrimination, slander, ostracism and even death for their faith.  In spite of this they continue to stand tall in their faith.  We in America tend to take a more casual approach to our faith, perhaps due to the fact that we’ve never had to stand up against any major persecution.  Atheists relentlessly pound the gavel against Christianity and other religions, yet we don’t feel any pain as a result.
        The devil is out there.  He’s systematically making inroads into what we hold dear to us in this country.  As believers we need to be sober minded and resist Satan on both a personal and church level.  Stand tall in your faith and don’t let your walk become entangled in the traps that have been set to trip you up.  Stick close to the Lord at all times and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in all you do and you will be safe.  Pray for our country, that believers will rise up and a new revival of faith through salvation may occur.  Until next time, walk with the Lord and be a blessing!