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Monday, November 17, 2014


“Your word is a lamp for my feet,
 a light on my path.”  Psalm 119:105
         The Word of God is like a 180 lumen LED flashlight with spot and flood light capability.  It shines on our pathway and shows us the way to go. This world lives in darkness and continually gropes for some sort of light to guide them.  They seek those things that seem acceptable, even agreeable to them.   The Bible is just another book, nothing more than myths and fairy tales that amount to nothing.  The truth of the matter is that God’s Word is the only way we can know about God.   His plan for mankind and His promises run throughout. 
I wonder sometimes if we, as Christians, have done God a disservice by misrepresenting scripture with our lives.  We read and study to become a good Disciples of Christ and talk a good game, but when it comes to living it for others to see we fall short.  We will never be perfect this side of heaven and that’s a fact, but striving for perfection should be a primary goal.  We will make mistakes and errors in judgment, because we are still human, but if we live out our faith in front of non-believers we will have a greater impact than any words we could ever say.  Allowing the light of God’s Word to lead the way is our best option. 
Non-believers typically aren’t going to pick up a Bible and start reading it.  We need to show them the merits of a Christian life and allow the Holy Spirit to use that to make inroads into their heart.  Admitting to those outside the faith that we are painfully human, instead of ‘holier than thou’ would be a good start.  We don’t have to do what the world does to make our point.  We can quietly live for Christ and in so doing show the world what Christian living is all about.  Jesus didn’t walk around with a bullhorn announcing that He was the Son of God and that people should therefore listen to Him.  He quietly went about the Father’s business without fanfare.  The people around Him recognized Him for who He was or at the very least that there was something different about Him.  Do you stand out in a crowd by being quietly different or do you blend in so much so that you look like anyone else.
Another reference to light is that we are not to hide our light under a bushel basket, but let it shine out into the world (Matthew 5:15).  Let the world see Jesus in you. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!