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Tuesday, April 7, 2015


“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  Galatians 2:20
         When we accept God’s gracious gift of forgiveness we die to self and live in Christ.  At least that’s what’s supposed to happen.  I’ve known people who have gone through the motions of being “saved” for the sake of a family member or spouse to satisfy their wishes or possibly to get them off their back.  Nothing takes hold because they never really considered the serious implications of what they were doing.  They were taking lightly the most important decision a person can make.  It’s a spiritual union that is designed to cultivate a “relationship of the utmost intimacy”.  When you receive Christ you become a part of His crucifixion.  He died for you personally.  Once forgiven, your old self has been crucified as well.  His resurrection represents your new life in Him.  It’s is what the scripture refers to as the second birth.
         Once we’re forgiven we need to exercise our faith in God’s Son.  We all know that exercise of a physical nature strengthens us and increases our stamina.  So it is with the exercising of our faith.  It grows stronger with each passing day as we learn to trust in and rely upon our God.  Unfortunately, there are times in a Christian’s walk when they relapse into sin.  This doesn’t mean they were never born again and it doesn’t mean they are now suddenly evil.  What it means it that they allowed something or someone to take their focus of Christ, causing them to become entangled once again in that that had once gotten a hold of them.  God is still with them and the Holy Spirit will make a way of escape from their entanglement, but we must allow it to take place.  God forces His will upon no one.
         We must keep fresh in our minds all that we have been saved out of and rejoice that those things no longer have control over us.  Our walk with the Lord is a deliberate act on our part that must be done with diligence.  Exercise your faith daily, thus exponentially increasing your trust and reliance of God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Reference used: The Reformation Study Bible.