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Saturday, June 20, 2015


“A husband should love his wife as much as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it.” Ephesians 5:25
     Men love to quote Ephesians 5:22-24 where it says that a wife should submit to their husbands, but the story doesn’t end there.  No, no.  Man is not told to govern over his wife but rather to love her.  How is he to love her?  Christ provided the example.  Christ has unconditional and everlasting love for His church so much so that He was willing to die for it.  THAT is the type of love a husband is to have for his wife.  This is his responsibility in a marriage.  Now the wife is supposed to encourage and support the husband, but that will come easy if he treats her with the respect she deserves.  
     Too many folks enter into matrimony figuring if they aren’t happy in a few years they can get a divorce.  Where is the commitment? Where is the willingness to work problems out?  We shouldn’t rely on anyone else to make us happy, that’s a mistake.  If you are relying on your spouse to make and keep you happy you are liable to be sorely disappointed more times than not.  Being happy is a decision.  We must decide to be happy and content in any and all circumstances in all areas of our life and it is no different when it comes to our spouse. Marriage is supposed to be a lasting, lifelong commitment to love, honor and cherish another as long as you both shall live.
     The devil uses various devices to stir up trouble in any marriage to cause friction that if left unchecked can cause any marriage to crash and burn.  Husbands, you must have loved your wife when you married her?  Don’t focus on her flaws, focus on your own attitude towards her and remember that we are called to be Christ not just to the unsaved, but also in our own households.  Love your wife with Christ-like love and see what type of response you get.  Men must realize that it is a command, not a suggestion. Follow God’s lead and work out any disagreements before your head hits the pillow at night and you will live a long happy life together.  Until Christ returns, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Resource: The Reformation Study Bible.