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Friday, February 19, 2016


“… if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” 1 John 1:9 NLT
       Sin is disobedience to a moral or ethical code or in religion circles, disobedience to God’s Law.  However, sin is not a stain worn by the unregenerate soul alone, even those that are saved sin from time to time.  We know that forgiveness is available.  We also know something the unsaved do not know; you have to ask for it.  It’s not some glib request so we can feel good and then go about sinning again.  Forgiveness is supposed to give birth to change within our hearts. 
     For the believer, sin can be the result of a moment or moments of spiritual weakness, but ceasing control of the situation with the help of the Holy Spirit within us can keep sin from becoming habitual.  We must confess our wrongdoing to God and ask Him to forgive us.  As scripture states, He is faithful and just to forgive us.  He knows our heart’s motivation.  He knows if we are going to change our ways or just say ‘thanks’, give Him a wink and continue on.
      When we are first born again scripture promised us that all our sins had been washed away, as evidenced by the above verse.  We get a second chance to do things right in the eyes of God.  Doing good deeds is great, but that alone will never in a million years get you into heaven.  Doing good deeds with a selfless heart simply for the sake of doing them for no personal gain is the correct path to take.  No one need know what you do in the name of Christ but you and God.  If the Lord wants to use you on a grander scale then He is more than capable of open the doors needed to make that happen.  Our focus needs to be to live as close to a sinless life as possible by imitating Christ as best we can by the power of His Holy Spirit.  We are cleansed in the sight of God because we are forgiven.  Live as freed men; freed from the shackles of sin.  Our life is not our own.  Live for God in Jesus name.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

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