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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller



Monday, April 15, 2019

It’s a Matter of the Heart

“Examine me, God! Look at my heart! Put me to the test! Know my anxious thoughts! Look to see if there is any idolatrous way in me, then lead me on the eternal path!”Psalm 139:23-24 CEB

“… you, the righteous God, are the one who examines hearts and minds.”Psalm 7:9b CEB
                  We may fool the entire world with our words and actions, but God looks us squarely in the heart and sees our true self. He knows our motives and every errant thought that crosses our minds. He looks intently at our heart and not at our outward appearance. He cares little what we may look like, for He Himself created us.  God simply wants what is best for us and will always lead us towards that very thing. We may choose to strain against the leash, but we do it to our own discredit. Those who have something to hide may shudder at the mention of these scriptures, because that would mean that they cannot get away with anything, at least not forever. Those who have been lied about or cheated can take solace in the fact that God knows all about it and will require payment for evil when the time comes. Those that believe and are faithful in their walk with God can know that He is watching and knows all that is transpiring in their lives. 
            May we be a people striving to be like Christ each day so we can with boldness say along with the Psalmist, “Examine me, God! Look at my heart!” To be more like Christ, we must embrace faith in the living God and immerse ourselves in Him every chance we get. We must meet our daily obligations; however, Christ should be the motivating factor in all we think, say and do. The righteousness that we have received in exchange for the debt Christ paid for us hangs on us like a garment. Our minds and hearts are being transformed slowly each day, if and when we allow it. To not allow this transformation is to deny His Lordship and remain in control of our own lives. That is something we nearly always live to regret, for we have no idea what life is all about. We live in the moment and seek instant gratification; so how on earth could we possibly know what is best for us. God steers us toward that which is beneficial. Open your mind and heart to God and allow Him to infiltrate your life. There is no doubt He knows you better than you know yourself. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller

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