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Monday, May 13, 2019

A Look at the Epistle of Jude

“And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.”Jude 22-23
            As we near the end of Jude’s letter we see hope as the writer speaks of mercy and rescue.  It is the polar opposite to the attitude of the heretics among them. They care little whether people live or die, only that they follow the path they have carved out for themselves. The mercy and rescue Jude speaks of is for those who are struggling in their faith. There are many events that take place in our lives that can have devastating effects on one’s psyche and even their faith. Their wavering is due to circumstances they cannot control and they feel lost and alone. It was Jude’s reader’s responsibility (and ours today as well), to console and comfort them. We are never to take advantage of their vulnerable state like the false teachers did and do.
            We must be prepared to rescue those who have been negatively influenced by false teachings using great caution for these purveyors of heresy have very beguiling skills to manipulate minds. Sin contaminates our life. The sin presented by the false teachers was that as believers in Christ they were going to heaven so now they could live as they pleased. Jude had instructed his readers to rescue the deceived believers, being wary of the pull these disciples of Satan have. As with all ungodliness, we must hate the sin, yet love the sinner.  
            Once again we see clearly the need to become more familiar with God’s Word. It is so easy to become complacent, believing we are safe when danger is ever present. We aresafe in the Lord, but many trials and temptations confront us at various unscheduled times during our walk with God. It’s one thing to know God is in full control of all things, it’s quite another to let your confidence become apathetic complacency thinking nothing bad will ever happen to you. That is how one’s faith stagnates. We don’t need to defeat Satan he is already defeated. Just continue to trust the Lord and display the attributes of 
Christ wherever you go. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resources: The Life Application Study Bible;

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