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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Looking at Isaiah

Isaiah 48:12-22 -“This is what the Lord says – your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow.’”
            These verses reveal how God used Cyrus the Great of the Persian Empire to bring about the end of the Jewish exile in Babylon. The Lord used a pagan king to defeat Babylon in battle, where he then made the decree that the Jews taken there could return to their homeland.  It also shows that the Lord had remained constant towards the Jews in spite of their defiance and insubordination towards their God. It’s very interesting that in verse 11 God states exactly why he is setting Israel free. “I will rescue you for my sake – yes, for my own sake! I will not let my reputation be tarnished, and I will not share my glory with idols!” This follows along with the thought that God does all things for a purpose that only he knows. He does as he pleases for his good pleasure and our best interest.
            It boggles the mind that after all Almighty God had done for Israel they didn’t seem to remember after a short time.  God rescued them even though they didn’t deserve it, just because he promised he would. Is that not the same salvation itself? None of us deserve a pardon from sin, but God forgives us because he promised he would. Only he can eradicate sin from a soul and set it free.
            It’s interesting to me that so many people literally cry out for comfort, security and relief, yet haven’t taken the first steps to turn away from sin. If they received what they sought, then continued on their way with no intention of changing their lifestyle, that would be walking all over God’s grace and mercy.  A person can do that, but consequences will follow, you can count on it.  
            If you want true, lasting peace, seek God and follow only him. Then he will give you what scripture refers to as “peace that passes all understanding”(Philippians 4:7)  Next we’ll take a look at Isaiah 49 where it talks about ‘the Future Redeemer”. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.  rlkeller

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