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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Looking at Isaiah

“You will not leave in a hurry, running for your lives. For the Lord will go ahead of you; yes, the God of Israel will protect you from behind.”Isaiah 52:12
            Chapter 52 speaks of Israel’s return to the Holy City of Jerusalem. The verse used above references the fact that Persia’s King Cyrus allowed the Jews to leave Babylon in safety. As you will no doubt remember, Chapter 45 reveals that God had chosen to use a non-Jew to give approval to Israel’s return to Jerusalem, guaranteeing protection that they might have an uneventful migration. He was also going to provide protection for them to rebuild the city as well.
            Exodus was a different story. The Jews fled Egypt as quickly as their feet would carry them because they did not have permission to leave. This is what the Lord is referring to when he says: “You will not leave in a hurry, running for your lives.” They were allowed to leave by the gracious hand of God. This tells us without question that God can use ANYTHING to manifest his will. The Jews never would have chosen a Gentile king from a rival nation to work on their behalf. God saw things much differently. King Cyrus respected other countries beliefs and was able to be used freely by the Lord to accomplish that which he wished to take place. 
            Once again referencing their fleeing from Egypt, God stated that he would go before them and follow behind them.  This should tell us that God’s protection for us surrounds us like a hedge. This time there was no mention of a pillar of smoke or a pillar of fire to lead and protect, perhaps because of the leisurely nature of their trip this time. Israel didn’t need protection, for Persia’s armies had vanquished their enemies. This was all part of God’s plan. So when I say, “the wheels in heaven are beginning to turn”, this is what I am speaking of. God is orchestrating his will in heaven and allowing it to manifest itself in the precise way, in the exact place and time that is needed to bring it to fruition. 
            Next time we will have a look at the Suffering Servant, who is of course Jesus. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller
Resources: The Life Application Study Bible;

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