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Monday, December 2, 2019

Another Pre-Christmas Thought From a Random Mind

             At this time of year the landscape becomes littered with manger scenes. Plastic ones that light up, life size ones that move and table top ones for the homestead. Some come with hay and a wooden crèche. Cultural history from that region tells us there may have been a variety of crèches  … some made of stone, some of wood, some cut out of a stone wall. I’ve read various articles regarding what type of crèche Jesus was laid in, but aside from tradition, cultural regularities or accumulated historical data, no one truly knows. 
            Man is a curious being. They have a need to know inconsequential information. Frankly, although it’s interesting (at least to some) to find out where Jesus was born, in what he was laid and what his surroundings were regarding personage and animals, the main topic to be discussed would be the birth.  I do see the significance in knowing about the 3 Wise Men. They traveled a great distance following a star in the sky to where the baby lay. They bore him gifts fit for a king and were Godly men due to their allowing an angel of God to advise them. I would imagine the presence of the animals and the overall scene itself reveals the common way in which Christ was born. Not in a palace, but in a stable with barn yard animals. A relatable scene to the vast majority of those he would minister to in future years.
            There was no heat, no creature comforts and no amenities, just beasts of burden, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. This scene is just the opposite of what you would expect for the birth of a king. God orchestrated this from the very beginning and worked out every detail with the precision of a highly skilled surgeon. Was Jesus really born on December 25th? I doubt it. There are several theories as to when he was born, but all of that is inconsequential in the eternal scheme of things. The fact that needs to be focused on is that Jesus came, lived his life and died a criminal’s death so that we might live. That’s what can be called ‘the great exchange’! 
RL Keller 
 Author / teacher / speaker
Bread of Life Ministries

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