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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Having a Humble Spirit

Psalm 149:4 “For the Lord takes delight in his people; He crowns the humble with victory.”


          Arrogance* is an unattractive characteristic that many people display. They think they are above it all and see themselves as superior in either intellect or economic status (or both). They do not mingle with those they deem lesser then themselves by choice. Because of arrogance, people become judge and jury over the socioeconomic status of all who are around them. They determine who is worthy of their association and who is not. It is an unseemly trait that is all too common in society today. God doesn’t honor such an attitude, nor does it please Him. Seeing themselves as higher than most of society, they wouldn’t waste their time believing in an unseen god, since they would see no need for him. That is frighteningly sad, for their own attitude is the affliction that will take them down. They cannot see that their thoughts, words, and deeds are self-centered. They have reached the pinnacle of self-absorption and yet are unaware that from this lofty position can come a mighty fall and it will come. Why are people like this? Is it insecurity? Is it being spoiled at a young age? Is it a borderline mental illness? Perhaps a little of all that, but nonetheless, it is displeasing to the Lord and needs to be purged.

          A humble* spirit is quite the opposite. Humble folks are not at all arrogant, but rather submissive to another, in the Christian’s case, God. The humble person seeks to please and places others before themselves. Since faith is required to please God (Hebrews 11:6), we must first believe and place our trust in the unseen deity, namely, Almighty God. Once we learn how to live for Christ, we slowly develop a spirit of humbleness and humility. 

Arrogant people view those that are humble as weak and on occasion will take advantage of them. Arrogance doesn’t consider the feelings of anyone but themselves, while those that are humble consider the feelings of others before themselves. It is the humble individual who pleases God and not the arrogant for it is not all about ME, but rather about God and others. If we believe that God provides and sustains those whom He loves, then we should have no concerns and submission ought to come fairly easy. The arrogant person believes that he alone provides and sustains for himself without any outside assistance. What a shock they will receive on the last day when they will be required to bow before Almighty God and profess Him as Lord. Do for others with a spirit of humbleness and humility and God will crown you with victory. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


*ar•ro•gant 1: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner; 2: showing an offensive attitude of superiority: proceeding from or characterized by arrogance.

*hum•ble 1: not proud or haughty: not arrogant or assertive; 2: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission. 

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