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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s practical counsel

Ecclesiastes 6:1 thru 8:17


            We’re moving on to Chapter 7 which the editor’s sub-titled “Wisdom for Life”. After reading the first 14 verses I’ve decided I’d like to spend a good amount of time here. 


“A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born.” Ecclesiastes 7:1


            It can be noted that Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 looks to be written in the same style as Proverbs, also written by Solomon. Singular wise statements that we should reflect on as a means of applying them to ourselves.  When Solomon speaks of “a good reputation”, he is speaking of one’s character. As believers we are to slowly take on the behavioral characteristics of Christ. Those who do not have any inclination to do so, whether a professed Christian (aka, CINO or Christian in Name Only), an agnostic or an atheist, will find that the consequences of that decision will be quite unpleasant. It is not a punishment, but rather the results of one exercising their free will to decide which path to take in this life. God is pleased with the righteous man who elects to follow him regardless of the circumstances they are confronted with. This individual is of tremendous value to God and his kingdom because they lived an honorable life.

            The next statement found in verse 1 leaves us guessing. Solomon is saying the day you die is a far better day then the day you are born. So, is he referring to the man of good reputation or any man? The day a righteous man dies is without question a wonderful day, for it is the day he gets promoted to glory. However, the day one is born is not a bad day by comparison, because that is when the journey begins. If God wills it there is a lot of living to be done before one’s life is over. As a real-life illustration, in the logistics world of retail clothing, the product must be received and placed in stock before it can be picked to be packaged and shipped out to the person who ordered it. Something must come first, so in my opinion, being born is at the very least just as good as dying, but one isn’t better than the other. That is said in the face of those in life who utter the regrettable words, “I wish I was never born.” 

            On a cinematic note, if you’ve ever watched the classic movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart, you know that he had a terrible problem that seemed to have no resolution. He prayed to God wishing he had never been born and God honored his prayer. Once our protagonist found that things were much different without him there, he asked God to restore him back to his previous life. His guardian angel, Clarence declared these famous words, “You see George, you actually had a wonderful life.” Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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