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Monday, December 6, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Practical Counsel

Ecclesiastes 7:15 - 8:17


“When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong. But even though a person sins a hundred times and still lives a long time, I know that those who fear God will be better off. The wicked will not prosper, for they do not fear God. Their days will never grow long like the evening shadows.” - Ecclesiastes 8:11-13 New Living Translation

                  Solomon is still comparing those who do evil with those who are righteous and follow God. There is a pointed difference between living a long time and prolonging one’s days.  Once who is wicked and doesn’t fear God may have a long life by earthly standards, but a person who has his days prolonged will live with God for all eternity.  Since evil cannot abide in the presence of God, the wicked man / woman shall find no place in heaven with the Lord. In other words, wickedness doesn’t continue throughout God’s eternity.

                  It is interesting that God’s patience toward sinners to repent is so often met with rejection.  The unsaved have no concept of how good their life can be with God in it. They wish to remain with what is familiar to them. The Holy Spirit works overtime to woo the unsaved away from the clutches of the enemy.  God controls the heart of a man, but Satan works on our mind. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “an idle mind is the devil’s playground”? I believe that to be true. The enemy is constantly attempting to steer our thinking away from godly things and toward those things the world has declared are pleasurable. 

                  The devil is a defeated foe which is precisely why he has nothing to lose. He will stop at nothing to drag people down to his hell. That is why we are to take seriously our role as Christ’s representatives or ambassadors. Feed your spirit man daily, giving you the edge when it comes to warding off the wiles of the devil.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources:  The Expositor’s Bible Commentary - Old Testament; The New Bible Commentary.  

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