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Saturday, January 8, 2022

Thoughts from a Random Mind

                  Matthew West has a new song out titled “Truth be told”. It’s a really good song that tells a message of how things should be, at the very least between fellow believers. He tells of how believers should be truthful when we’re asked how we are, for example. We say “fine” when we know we’re not fine. But as I listen to the song, I say out loud, but “who truly cares enough to hear what you have to, even NEED to say?” There’s too much judging going on and unfortunately, I am part of the problem with that one. Where’s the love man? I can think of a very small group of people that I might … might trust with the issues and problems that I face each day. That’s not even a definite. 

                  I’ve told my wife, tell others as little as possible, because the more they know about you or your situation, the more they feel they have the right to pass judgment. It’s the way I feel. It’s the way I’ve felt for a long time. Frankly, I simply don’t trust people. Not all people, but most. Many people that you try to talk to about something that is gnawing at you are busy doing something else and either don’t have the time to listen or are on their phone scrolling or texting while they are “listening to you” … You’re wasting your time talking to people who can’t manage to give you their undivided attention. 

                  So, do we have to enlist the help of a counselor or psychiatrist (preferably a Christian one) to find someone who will listen to us? A lot of us can’t afford that. It’s like you need to interview people to find out their life story to see if they will satisfy your need for a listener. I’m not talking about someone who listens and advises so much as just someone who listens and then offers to pray for you. Sometimes you just need to talk certain things out. Once you do that many times you can straighten it out by just having a sounding board to talk it out. 

                  It can be extremely frustrating when you have something that is heavy on your heart yet have no one that you can trust enough to unload on them. So, you internalize whatever it is. Christians are human beings just like you and me, but why is it that so many don’t seem to have too much interest in imitating Christ in their lives. I’m not the role model for the problem I speak of, but at least I am aware of the issue and am trying to work my way thru the weeds.

                  I think the most important resolution we can have for 2022 is to become more SELFLESS! We’re ALL selfish to a certain extent. Perhaps the world has beaten the caring out of a lot of us. Sometimes we’re too lazy to listen. Sometimes we listen but cannot help giving unsolicited advice. We need to empathize … we need to ask God to enable us to feel what they feel. That’s happened to me, so I know it is possible. 

                  Luke 6:31 & Matthew 7:12 list what most refer to as The Golden Rule. That title doesn’t appear in scripture but is typically accepted as the unofficial title of the verses. “Treat others just as you want to be treated.” (Luke 6:31 CEV) “Do for others what you would want them to do for you. This is the meaning of the Law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12 ERV) We ALL need to be a lot better at this or we’ll not look any different to people than anyone else in this lost, sin sick world. 



Here's a prayer you can pray to get the ball rolling … please join me in rectifying poor behavior.



PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please help me to be more selfless in my everyday life. Let your Holy Spirit lead and guide us into deeper truths and mold us more into the image of your Son. In His name I pray … amen. 



In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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