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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Thoughts from a Random Mind

                  The group Alabama had a song back in 1992 off their American Pride album called “I’m in a Hurry (to get things done)”. It talks about being in hurry every day and not knowing why. The chorus goes “I’m in a hurry to get things done. Rush and rush until life’s no fun. All I gotta do is live and die. I’m in a hurry and don’t know why.” 

                  You take you life in your hands driving anywhere these days. The parkway in the morning seems more like the Daytona Motor Speedway than a commuter roadway. People speed thru neighborhoods and parking lots. What is up with that?  Is it a ‘need for speed’, is everyone late to be somewhere? What is it? Why do people rush so much? Peace seems like such an elusive place for a lot of people, in that they are simply unable to find it. Perhaps it’s because they don’t slow down enough to consider their options. 

The enemy has created so many seemingly important, yet actually meaningless ‘things’ to do that we drive ourselves crazy trying to keep up with it all. If the devil can keep you busy, really busy rushing around then theoretically you will end up exhausted at the end of the day and have no time to devote to God. Therein lies our problem. We must break the cycle of rushing around by reprioritizing our time. That won’t happen overnight due to current obligations, but it is something we must look at doing sooner rather than later. 

                  This world will run you into the ground if you let it. That is NOT from God. We must not seek to make the time, but rather TAKE the time to be with God … reading His Word, praying and communing with Him for THAT is how we find peace. Real peace is to be a state of tranquility. Having a sense of serenity … peace of mind. If you truly want peace in your life, ask for it & seize it … it’s there for the taking. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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