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Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Book of Acts

The Apostles Meet Opposition

Acts 5:17-42 NLT

“The high priest and his officials, who were Sadducees, were filled with jealousy. They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail. But an angel of the Lord came at night, opened the gates of the jail, and brought them out. Then he told them, ‘Go to the Temple and give the people this message of life!’”Acts 5:17-20

            The crowds that the apostles were drawing made the religious leaders jealous and upset. They had warned them not to speak the name of Jesus any longer to the people, but Peter and John defied their order continuing to preach and teach wherever the opportunity presented itself. 

The apostles had been arrested and yet an angel of the Lord saw fit to release them and told them to continue on giving their message of life at the Temple. When morning had come they continue on as they had been doing, teaching about Jesus to the crowds that would form about them.

The religious leaders brought together the Sanhedrin (the full assembly of the elders of Israel) to pass judgment on the apostles, but when the captain of the guard went to get them they were no longer in their cell. When the high priests heard this they were perplexed, wondering what had happened. Someone rushed into the council meeting to announce that the apostles were back teaching once again at the Temple. The apostles were arrested again and brought before the Sanhedrin. 

The apostles were asked why they were disobeying their direct order. Peter told the leaders once again that they listened to the instructions of God alone and not to men. He once again placed the blame for Jesus death on their heads. This made the members of the Sanhedrin so angry they wanted to have the apostles killed.

A much respected member of the religious group, Gamaliel, reasoned with the council that if these men are who they say they are and represent God the way they say they are, then you will not be able to stop them. So leave them alone or you may find yourself fighting against God himself. His advice was heeded, so they had the apostles flogged and again ordered them to not speak of Jesus publicly again.

As they went on their way, Peter and John rejoiced that they were considered worthy by God to be punished for the name of Jesus. From that day forward they continued to teach in the Temple and in private houses the message that Jesus was the much anticipate Messiah.

Are you willing to suffer for your faith as these men did? Will it come to that in America? No one knows but it wouldn’t be all that surprising the way things have been going lately. Gird yourself with the truth and stand strong in your faith. Nothing is greater and more powerful than our God. Do not allow yourself to be frightened by the current events that are building momentum all around you. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31b) Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name and for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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