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Thursday, November 24, 2022



Being thankful


            I would contend that Christians throughout the world are grateful for all God’s blessings YEAR ROUND. Having said that, there is a special day when we in America and certain other countries of the world either publicly or privately celebrate in acknowledgement of divine favor in all aspects of their lives. Other countries, such as Canada, Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Japan, The United Kingdom & even Brazil celebrate in various ways the holiday known as Thanksgiving. Some countries have religious overtones to their celebrations, others focus on their yearly harvest, like Germany, who calls their celebration Erntedankfest, which is a more public celebration with musical performances, dancing, fireworks, and food. In some places, churches are decorated with autumn crops and during the day, people participate in religious processions or parades.

            In America, many have reduced this special day to nothing more than a family gathering, with food, drink, and football. While there is nothing essentially wrong at all with that take on the holiday, I’m afraid that God is largely left out. The dark elements of the world have sought to eliminate God from all parts of our lives; however, the light of God still remains, albeit in a lesser role. 

            On this day when we remember all the wonderful blessings God has bestowed on each one of us, don’t forget to praise Him for who He is and for what He has done in our hearts thru the death of His Son. We must never lose sight of the fact that God is the preeminent force and guiding light for us to bask in and follow as we seek to imitate all that Christ is. Don’t ever lose sight also of the fact that we exist for His good pleasure and without Him there would be no life at all. Man didn’t come into existence all on his own. Our Creator has birthed us and blessed us with immeasurable gifts that many times we either overlook or take for granted. Thank God for it is from God that all our blessings flow. Glory be to God, for His love endures forever and whether we acknowledge it or not, He loves us and only wants the absolute best for each one of us in this life. 

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and may the God of heaven bless each and                              every one of you with His deepest and richest blessings!

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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