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Saturday, March 25, 2023

Romans - Adam v. Christ

The Contrast between Adam & Christ

Romans 5:12-21 NLT


“When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.”  (Verse 12)


            My initial question is “why was Adam blamed for the sin Eve committed”? Good question, but there is a clear and concise answer to that question. Adam was created first; Eve was created out of Adam to be his helpmate. Prior to Eve being created Adam was told of the one restriction that God required of him. Therefore Adam was responsible for his family. It is apparent that Adam made Eve aware of this restriction. When God sought out Adam & Eve after they sinned, He called for Adam as the head of the family. Since Adam was responsible, he was blamed for committing the sin. It’s interesting to note that beginning in Genesis 3:12, Adam tried to pass blame on to Eve, who in turn blamed the serpent’s deception. As a result, God’s curse fell on all parties. The thought of Adam and Eve attempting to hide from an all-seeing, all-knowing God is a little humorous, if the truth be told. Don’t hide from God when you do something wrong... own up to it and seek forgiveness.

            The immediate contrast seen between Adam and Christ is that Adam brought sin into the world infecting all mankind, while Jesus was sent by God to bring the only true remedy for the sins of man. Christ’s shed blood, when applied to one’s life, cleansed all sin, making that person once again right with God as Adam and Eve were prior to “the sin”.

            This sin took place prior to the establishment of God’s law, so man’s wrongdoing after the original sin wasn’t counted against them as sin for no law was yet in place. Once the Ten Commandments were passed to Moses by God, there was a measuring rod that revealed what was sinful. That was the purpose of God’s Law...”so all people could see how sinful they were.”

            Paul rammed home that freedom from sin was due to God’s gift of salvation by repeating the great exchange that came with Christ’s blood. Next time we’ll look at Sin’s power being broken ... until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

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