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Thursday, March 14, 2024

1st THESSALONIANS: The Mega Themes



EXPLANATION - Paul and the newbies of the faith were experiencing persecution from the enemy, which is essentially anyone who is against God. Specifically, it would be Jews, Greeks & Romans, all fueled by lies from the evil one. We will experience persecution in some form or another, so we need to deal with it the way the Thessalonicans did; stand firm in our faith, being strengthened by the Holy Spirit within us.


IMPORTANCE The Holy Spirit, the 3rd Person of the Holy Trinity, enables us to remain strong and show genuine love to others, while maintaining our moral character. Focusing on the Lord and not that which surrounds us is a key to our success.




EXPLANATION - Even while being slandered, the Apostle Paul still expressed concern for the church in Thessalonica. Sharing the gospel was far more important to Paul than suffering difficult circumstances or experiencing physical harm. We need to be like Paul regarding persecution.


IMPORTANCE - Paul gave of himself while on the road. He was faithful & bold, yet at the same time sensitive & self-sacrificing. For that he is a perfect example for us to follow. Blending the attributes of Jesus and Paul, along with the guidance and assistance of the Holy Spirit is ideal. While Paul’s attributes do not supersede those of the Lord, they do provide a nice balance of divine and mortal characteristics that are easy for others to see and experience firsthand.




EXPLANATION - The main hope we as Christians have is that one day in the future all believers in Christ, both those who are alive & those who have died, will be united with Christ in heaven. Those who have already passed from this earth base their hope on the resurrection of the body from death. 


IMPORTANCE - Our confidence lies in the promise that those who believe in Christ & receive forgiveness will live with Christ forever. As I’ve said before, it isn’t simply believing in Christ, for the demons in hell believe in his existence. It is belief which leads to faith & unwavering trust in him that causes us to desire to please him with the way we carry on our business. Imitating Christ’s behavior is the way to impact society in a positive way. Consistency is the key to making that impact. If we say one thing and do another, we are contradicting that which we intend to exhibit to the public. Focus on Christ ... focus on consistency in our thoughts, words & actions.




EXPLANATION - No one knows the time of Christ’s return except the Father. Therefore, we are to live moral & holy lives. We cannot do that alone, which is why Jesus promised the Holy Spirit, which came to fruition shortly after his ascension. Although we are not to neglect our daily responsibilities, we are to work & live to please the Lord, all the while being watchful for his return.


IMPORTANCE - We need to live out the gospel with the assistance of the indwelt Holy Spirit. We need to become tuned in to what he is trying to say to us. Discernment is achievable for the asking. Hone that skill, concentrating on the Spirit’s leading. Live your life as if Christ could return any day so as not to be caught unprepared.


                  Up next we take a brief look at Christ’s return. Until then, walk with the King & be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible

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