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Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Prophet Habakkuk

            This is a book of questions and answers. Habakkuk, who was commissioned to serve as a prophet for the Lord from 612-589 BC, asked God questions to try to understand why the evil and gross injustice continued to thrive in the world around him. The righteous seem outnumbered as those who do evil thrive. When will it all end, asks Habakkuk.  His questions reveal great sensitivity and show that he has profound religious conviction and social awareness.

            The Lord’s first reply to the prophet involved his causing Babylon to rise up to great power. They were a cruel and evil lot that completely destroyed anything that was in their way. Judah’s last four kings at that time were wicked men who did not fear God. The Lord used Babylon to punish Judah for their wicked ways by having Babylon invade them twice before destroying them completely in 586 BC.

            God replies to Habakkuk’s queries by saying to be patient for the evil in the world shall not go unpunished. The prophet couldn’t understand why the Lord did nothing about the wickedness in society right then. The thing Habakkuk came to understand from God’s replies was simply this: Instead of questioning what the Lord is doing, we must come to the realization that God is totally just and have the faith to trust and believe he is in complete control. Understanding that it isn’t a large leap to accept that one-day evil itself and those who do evil will be utterly destroyed. It will happen at God’s appointed time. 

            Delays in receiving answers to our prayers aren’t always God saying NO, but perhaps not yet instead. We must never take matters into our own hands, but instead rely on the fact that God is never wrong and never late. Question God all you want, but be sure to stay spiritually tuned in to hear his answers. 

            Next we will take a look at Zephaniah. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing! 

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries 

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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