“… if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”-
2 Chronicles 7:14
If there were ever a verse of scripture that was tailor-made for the United States, it’s this one. It is a promise that no matter how evil things become in our country, we have an option that can heal our land. Things are super evil at this time in America. It’s as if the Holy Spirit had left. Unbridled sin is rampant everywhere you look. From gender-bending to child porn to mass shootings, multitudes of our country’s inhabitants are heading to hell at warp speed. But there is hope … as long as the final trump has not sounded there is always hope.
If we look at the verse closely, we see that this option God has presented to us is no small order. Humbling yourself before God can be a tremendous challenge for many folks. It goes against the grain for a lot of us. The world pushes a different agenda then the Lord. The enemy wants to enslave you with lies and deception that look like precious jewels. God, however, seeks to make you the best version of yourself, but you must participate in this transformation. As the verse declares, YOU must seek the face of God and pray. YOU must also make a 180, meaning you must turn and go in the opposite direction from your current position and continue in that direction … God’s direction for you.
God will hear the cries of those who have humbled themselves and sought his face. Justice is coming for the evil doers of this world, but the Lord offers grace and mercy. What a gift he has provided for us. Eternal life with him. What could this world possibly offer that could compare with that? Do you know someone who is lost? Are you lost yourself? Heed the voice of the Lord and submit to a love that is precious and never-ending. If you are already saved, pray for those who are lost. Make it a matter of daily prayer that the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the unsaved. It’s our duty and responsibility as ambassadors of Christ to do so. Until next time, walk with the king and be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries
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