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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Taking a Walk Thru Proverbs

Things that come from a righteous life …
Proverbs 2:7-8 New Living Translation
“He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him.”
         Solomon continues on regarding what is in store for those who live a righteous life. They shall be given not a modicum, but a treasure of common sense and boy do we all need it.  It is specifically given to those believers who are honest. Those that are dishonest will forfeit this gift offered by the Lord. 
            God himself is a shield for us. We spoke of a shield in our breakdown of the Armor of God. The shield is like the one the Apostle Paul would have been most familiar with, that being the shield used by the Roman soldiers. If a soldier crouched down, the shield would be a protective covering for the entire front of his body. This was important because Roman soldiers wouldn’t normally have their back facing attacking forces. As children of God we have no reason to turn and run from our enemy, thus exposing our backside. God honors those followers that live a life of integrity by being our personal shield against anything that might come against us.
            As long as we seek to know, love and obey the Lord and imitate Christ with our lifestyle, he will guard and protect us for any danger and all harm.  When trials come and they will come, they are not because God has stopped loving or protecting us. They come as a test to see how deep our faith and trust in the Lord truly is. The more we study God’s word the more we begin to realize that we can indeed trust him to keep a watchful eye on us at all times. His protection is reserved for those who steer clear of wayward paths and tempting side trails. So it should be clear that we are to surrender our will and our ‘want to’over to the leadership of the Holy Spirit who is the member of the Holy Trinity that lives within us. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resources: The Life Application Study Bible; The MacArthur Study Bible; The Reformation Study Bible &

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