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Monday, November 26, 2018

Taking a Walk Thru Proverbs

Death Awaits the Foolish Man
“There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 14:12New American Standard Bible
            This is a verse of scripture that paints a bleak picture for those who make decisions by their gut or by what seems right to them. As I have stated repeatedly, man’s resources are grossly limited, especially when they are compared to God’s. This verse is repeated in Proverbs 16:25.  Proverbs 5:23 says, “He will die for lack of instruction and in the greatness of his folly he will go astray.” This familiar passage from the gospel of Matthew 7:13-14 states the following, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” 
            The death spoken of may be physical death, but it is most assuredly spiritual death, for it involves a life without God and therefore no hope of forgiveness for sin. It is a life void of his influence and that by your own choice.
            Why do so few find the narrow path that leads to life in Christ? I suppose you could say there are several reasons. Man wishes to think for himself and make his own decisions. In other words, he wishes to be autonomous, answerable to only himself.  Surrender to the autonomous man is a dirty word and yet it is exactly what is required to enter into God’s heaven.
            There is no way for the secular man to rightly determine the correct course to take. Even when they do things that are seen as right by the wayward society in which they live, these decisions have no eternal value. We must all march to the beat of a new drum, not our own drum. God blesses those who seek him. He uses those who desire to be used by the Holy Spirit to promote God in a bold, new way. To “do your own thing” only leads to disappointment in the end with a severe lack of satisfaction. There is nothing more rewarding than giving of yourself to others because you want to, never because you feel you have to. Seek wise counsel and never to what seems right to you without lifting it up to your Heavenly Father first. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!; Translation: New American Standard Translation of the Bible.

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