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Friday, December 27, 2019

Taking a Look at Isaiah

After a month’s holiday hiatus from the study of Isaiah we are back, taking another look at Isaiah 53.

“When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins.”- Isaiah 53:11
            Last time we visited the brutal way in which Christ died. Now let’s focus on what that single act of obedience brought to fruition. Can you imagine how many souls were saved from everlasting damnation because Christ allowed his life to be taken from him? He in no way resisted what he knew he must endure. Think of the deep pain he must have felt being separated from his father even for a short time.  This torturous punishment was meant for you and me, yet he willingly took it on so we wouldn’t have to.
            We truly have no idea how many souls stand as righteous in God’s sight because of Christ’s substitutionary death. Are you among the souls counted as righteous? Have you shed your old life as a snake sheds its dead skin? If your answer is yes, then what are you doing with the knowledge that you are getting a do over?  Are you seeking to please the Lord with your life or are you simply continuing down the same path you travelled before?
            Christ, seated at the right hand of the Father, is satisfied by the huge volume of sinners who have turned from their old life to face the challenge of a new life guided by the Holy Spirit. God spoke thru Isaiah to let all the people know what had been preordained. It provided hope for mortal man. Life without hope is not much of a life, but hope realized causes our faith is rise up and our trust in God to expand. Christ is coming again for all those who have turned their life and allegiance over to the one true King of Kings. We don’t know when, but as we remain active for the kingdom the time will soon enough arrive. Christ enabled us to live eternally with our Creator God and so we live with great anticipation, expecting his return when God knows the time is right. Meditate on all Christ went thru for you. I am thoroughly convinced that because of the loving nature of Almighty God, he would have enacted his salvation plan even if there were only a handful of souls to be saved. I encourage you to think on Christ’s actions and apply them to your heart. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resources: The Life Application Study Bible.

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