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Monday, November 16, 2020

Our Creator God

 “…the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.”– Psalm 95:3-5 

“The 95th Psalm asserts Jehovah's Godhead, and his power over all nature, and exhorts his people to serve him.”

Only 11 verses long, Psalm 95 is meant to encourage the people of God that He is all powerful and above all the supposed gods concocted by the neighboring nations. Evolution is an unproven theory, while the history of Jehovah God is chronicled for all to see. Atheists, agnostics and the like demand proof of God’s existence, yet none shall be given for proof requires your senses and that is not faith. Faith is required to believe in that which you cannot experience with your senses. It is a choice we must all make. If we choose to place our faith in the One true unseen God, then everything that touches Him is open to us. His word becomes alive to us. Faith leads to trust which when combined with patience and perseverance leads to hope. 

          This Psalm of David announces his faithful acceptance that God Himself created all things. The seas and the dry lands were formed by His own hands. Surely, He can control them if He created them and I believe He can. I also believe He allows certain events to take place for His own reasons. These reasons cannot be known and at times seem cruel; however, in the end the purposes of God are borne out and those left standing are those who have faithfully trusted in Him.

Our lives are not always the way we would like them. Many times our circumstances are of our own making, though at times they are not. We aren’t called to trust and obey only in good times, for often when we are going through good times, we barely acknowledge God at all. It’s as if we only need Him when times are tough, but nothing could be further from the truth. We need God for the very air we breathe. He is our provider and sustainer. Even when things are good, God still mans the wheel of our ship. When trouble finds us, we need look no further than within our own heart, soul and spirit to find evidence that God is present during each moment of each day in the person of His Holy Spirit. He wishes for us to know Him intimately, not just in times of calamity. As we consciously decide to serve God at all times, we see His hands of mercy at work in our lives; the same hands that created all things. Take comfort in these things. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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