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Friday, December 31, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“If your boss is angry at you, don’t quit! A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes.” - Ecclesiastes 10:4 The New Living Translation

            Here Solomon seems to toss into the text a proverb regarding dealing with authorities over you and how you should react. The boss may be acting foolish in his anger, or he might have a legitimate right to be angry.  In response, it is never good to flat out quit, even though such an action gives you a feeling of power for once over your superior whom you may not like. Conversely, remaining quiet in the face of anger against you is a very difficult thing to do. I’ve been there, I know. 

                  Any mistake we may have made, whether in a work or community setting, should cause us to take an objective look at ourselves and instead of impulsively quitting or walking away, find that we should apologize instead. No one is perfect. A wise man lives to work another day. Impulsivity is a dangerous route to take. Things said or done impulsively may not be retrievable. It’s not like a computer where you can type out negative trash and delete it before it goes public. We must hold our tongue. James speaks of the tongue and the dangers surrounding its use in James 3:1-18.

                  We should always find the means to present a conciliatory attitude for it tends to pacify a given hostel situation. Good, Godly men typically seek a path of peace and goodwill toward an aggressor, finding the results to be much more favorable. Until next time, walk with King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: NKJV Study Bible; The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament; The Wiersbe Study Bible & The Orthodox Study Bible.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“A wise person chooses the right road; a fool takes the wrong one. You can identify fools just by the way they walk down the street.” Ecclesiastes 10:2-3 New Living Translation

            According to those living in ancient times ‘right’ was a natural symbol for strong and good and ‘left’ signified being weak and bad. Good, wise people always have ‘good’ leanings and do what is right based on what had been established to be morally and ethically correct. If using scripture as our basis, what is seen as moral and ethical shall always stand as such, since there is no change in God.

            Having one’s heart inclined to the right is to be upright, skillful, and resourceful in their daily life. When a heart is inclined to the left it comes off as fumbling and incompetent. This level of incompetence will become visible to others over time. 

            A wise person always chooses the correct path because they follow the leading of someone who is much greater than they are. The fool chooses incorrectly because they decide using inferior and limited wisdom, skill, and strength. If you seek the right direction, you will find it. It’s no different than seeking anything else of personal value, like love, wisdom, peace, and so on. The heart whose desire is to please the Lord, will never be turned away or shut out from learning. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament; The New Bible Commentary & The Reformation Study Bible.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom & honor.” - Ecclesiastes 10:1 New Living Translation

                  Solomon continues to touch on the topic of wisdom as he begins the next chapter. He uses the illustration of dead flies & a bottle of perfume. There are two things we can take from this illustration. One is simply that unwise behavior can foul something good, positive, and helpful. The other is how sin, represented by the dead flies, can adversely affect creation, as represented by the perfumed oil.

                  In general, Solomon is reminding the people of the importance of using wisdom as opposed to the dangers presented by great folly. Since none of us are wholly wise or wholly foolish we must be careful not to spoil wisdom with foolish behavior. There are many times we act foolishly yet are unaware that our behavior is turning something meant for good into a foul-smelling mess. At times our foolish behavior can be a defense mechanism to avoid certain circumstances. I’m sure I’ve played the clown at inopportune times, taking a profound moment, and wrecking it. We are not perfect and will ‘step in it’ on occasion without even intending to.

                  In addition, we can say that dead flies are to perfume what foolishness is to the good reputation of a wise man.  One single misstep can ruin the reputation of wisdom and honor that a man has built up over the years. Sadly, people will more readily remember the single misstep and forget the years of worthy achievements of a man. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources:  The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament; The Wiersbe Study Bible; The Orthodox Study Bible & The Believer’s Bible Commentary.

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“Better to hear the quiet words of a wise person than the shouts of a foolish king.  Better to have wisdom than weapons of war, but one sinner can destroy much that is good.” - Ecclesiastes 9:17-18 New Living Translation

            In many cases a man lacking the respect of the people will yell to be heard above the idle chatter. His loud voice is used in an effort to compel his listeners to not only listen to him but agree with what he is saying. Solomon seems disgusted with the fact that the wise man was ignored and underappreciated. Perhaps, once again, the wise man he speaks of is himself.

            In this example the public citizenry are the losers, because they end up being forced to succumb to the whim of the loud, foolish king rather than the quiet wise man. Perhaps it is true that the louder you get the more desperate you are to sway the crowd to your way of thinking.  I believe that is being done today to some extent.

            We should take from these verses that violence cannot overwhelm wisdom OR love. Loving wisdom or wisdom offered in love can overwhelm any evil force that comes against us. No matter what happens now or in the future, there is nothing that can crush our spirit and steal our soul. Solomon may have seen the unfairness of the poor wise man being disregarded, but it didn’t stop him from applauding the wise man for following through in spite of his being overlooked. Remember, a loudmouth fool never wins. He just looks like an idiot to those around him. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The Biblical Theology Study Bible & The Believer’s Bible Commentary.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“So even though wisdom is better than strength, those who are wise will be despised if they are poor. What they say will not be appreciated for long.” - Ecclesiastes 9:16 New Living Translation

            This verse sums up what vv. 13-15 spoke of; wisdom without notoriety (fame) is rarely appreciated or remembered. Solomon is certainly not taking the view that because of this conclusion one should not use their gifts. Being ignored in spite of a positive result to an issue, is simply part of the deal. It assists us in being humble. Perhaps that is why God allows this to be the case. Gaining a positive reputation for doing God’s work has the possibly of being a treacherous road to travel.  Personal pride and arrogance must be kept in check.

            One’s gifts should be used regardless of others reaction to them. We are to seek to obey God and not those around us. Their reaction should be irrelevant. Christ did what he did without regard to anyone else’s acceptance or disdain. We are to do the same.

            This parable (vv.13-16) has a bit of an evangelistic ring to it. The great king would represent Satan and his forces, bent on invasion and destruction.  The city is likened to a man’s soul, small and defenseless. The savior of the city represents Christ, both poor and wise. While Christ provided deliverance for his people, how little he was honored and appreciated. It is no different today. Both strong and marginal believers are often very careless when it comes to remembering exactly what price was paid for our salvation. We even shirk our remembrance of him thru the Lord’s Supper. Friends, this ought not be. Learn from Solomon’s mistakes and his wisdom and grow in the things of the Lord. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament, The Reformation Study Bible & The Believer’s Bible Commentary.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

St. Nicholas - Who he was & where he came from ...

This is St. Nicholas - born in Patara (in modern day Turkey), c. 280. Lived til his death in Lycia (modern day Turkey  December 6, 0343 - was referred to as St. Nicholas of Myrna.

Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop who provided for the poor and sick and is the basis for the popular character of Santa Claus. After his death, the legend of his gift-giving grew. Saint Nicholas transformed into the legendary character called Santa Claus, who brings Christmas presents to children around the world.

Saint Nicholas was a devout Christian who did God's will regarding giving aid to those less fortunate. The world has modernized him into Santa Claus who in some circles has replaced Christ as the real reason for the season. Whether Christ was born in December or September, he is still who he is and his story is no less true. 

                                                                            Richard Keller
                                                                    Bread of Life Ministries

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Thoughts from a Random Mind

        Lately I’ve heard that Christmas originated in Rome as a pagan holiday and Jesus was really born in September. In a time when truth seems so hard to latch onto, I’ve come to the conclusion that Christmas is what you make it. To me Christmas celebrates the birth of the Christ child. It’s all I’ve known my entire life and I am 66 years old. To me it isn’t a pagan holiday, it’s a time to decorate your house in a spirit of joy. I don’t care what they say the tree stands for … I simply don’t see it that way. I see a decorated tree as something wonderful … something pretty to look at. None of any of this means anything less than Christ’s birth and the celebration thereof. I am on vacation into January and plan to enjoy this holiday season. It’s my favorite time of the year … it goes way too fast for me. I love giving gifts. Getting gifts is nice too but giving is more in line with God’s heart. It’s not about money spent or the number of gifts received. It’s about remembering the night over 2000 years ago when God sent his son to be born of Mary. It was all part of his great salvation plan to save mankind from sin. THAT is what Christmas means to me. And when New Year’s Day rolls around I’ll make another spiritual resolution. It always starts with being more like Jesus in my daily life. That’s something we should seek each day of the year in my opinion. This truly is the most wonderful time of the year.




In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“Here is another bit of wisdom that has impressed me as I have watched the way our world works. There was a small town with only a few people, and a great king came with his army and besieged it. A poor, wise man knew how to save the town, and so it was rescued. But afterward no one thought to thank him.” Ecclesiastes 9:13-15 New Living Translation

            While we are not to seek praise or accolades for something we have done to help others, it’s still a little startling to not even get a ‘thank you’ for saving the lives of the people of your town. Solomon’s illustration may have impressed him due to the fact that he experienced that situation himself. This is one of the minor injustices that takes place in a person’s life. Being ignored for doing that which no one else could or would do. Perhaps they are apprehensive, perhaps feel inadequate for the task, perhaps are simply flat out scared and go in hiding. When a man is of no notoriety yet has the wherewithal to conquer a seemingly insurmountable problem, it can be a tough pill for those rescued to swallow at times.

                  The man with the plan was poor financially, yet very wise.  His plan was able to keep his people safe as the mighty king’s efforts to come against them were thwarted. It was the people’s reaction that caught him a little off guard. They said nothing to him … essentially ignored or simply forgot him. Now we live in a very self-centered world full of vanity. I suppose it would be very humiliating for the people of that town to admit they had been saved by a nobody. 

                  This is similar to the 10 lepers who came to Jesus for healing (Luke 17:11-19). Jesus honored their request for healing, but only 1 came back to thank him. We are to be grateful for everything the Lord does for us and thank him out of respect and reverence. To not exhibit a thankful heart speaks volumes as to where our true allegiance lies … is it to ourselves or to God? Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time. People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden tragedy.” - Ecclesiastes 9:11-12 New Living Translation

            Doesn’t it seem odd that a man of faith and wisdom such as Solomon would digress from his way of thinking to incorporate the word ‘chance’, as if anything simply happens by chance? It is my belief that ALL things are orchestrated or allowed by God, for if it were not so he couldn’t be who he says he is. Solomon is stating in these two verses that you can be in possession of all these wonderful attributes yet still not attain worldly success. Nor will you attain success in the eyes of God.

                  Our days are uncertain from the moment we wake up in the morning. We are told that we must take each day as it comes, for we cannot foresee the future. Therefore, some days will end up being good and some bad. We have no control over the daily outcome of our lives. We cannot see every threat or obstacle as it approaches. 

                  God has a plan for each one of us. We must accept that he has a plan for us and then accept the plan itself. We won’t know the specifics of said plan but will advance throughout our lives seeking to know his plan and incorporate it into our lives. There is a proper time for each action we must take and so we use our gifts to attain kingdom success. The past is past, and the future has yet to come. We cannot change the past but can alter our path ever so slightly to correct errors in judgment we may have made. While Solomon has not used the words faith and trust in these verses, still side stepping our full reliance on God. That shall be the ultimate final conclusion he comes to in chapter 12. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“Whatever you do, do well.  For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.” Ecclesiastes 9:10 New Living Translation

                  There is nothing we can do after we pass on to enhance or initiate our walk with the Lord. Once the rapture of the church takes place, when all true believers in Christ are taken up to heaven, they will stand before Christ at the Bema Seat where we will receive rewards for all we have done for the kingdom while on earth in Christ’s name. Solomon is instructing us that we must always do well at whatever we do. According to scripture whatever we do on this earth is done for Christ, no matter where we work or who our boss is. Once we pass on there will be no time to fix mistakes, reversing that which we have done. (1 Corinthians 3:10-15 & 2 Corinthians 5:10)

            This message is for the unbeliever as well. Until time is no more you always have an opportunity to receive forgiveness if you seek it with a sincere and contrite heart. God is the only one who knows the condition of a man’s (or woman’s) heart. He knows who is serious about repentance and who is not. The unsaved are also instructed to do all things well. As I have often said, there are consequences that come with everything we do.  Should we die in our sinful state God will then have those unbelievers come before him at the White Throne Judgment. (Revelation 20:11–15), only this judgment will take place at the end of the millineum.  There their works will be judged as to whether they met God’s standards or not. This is the final thing that will either usher you into eternal life with Christ or punch your ticket to an everlasting hell that opens the gate to the lake of fire.

            Seek the Lord while he may be found and live for him, following down the path he has set before you. There is nothing scary about it. God is in complete control of all things with regards to his children. We are safe from all evil if we guard our hearts and serve the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. Always be clothes in white, and always anoint your head with oil. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun - all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.” - Ecclesiastes 9:7-9 New Living Translation

                  God cares for us intimately so much so that he cares about the seemingly mundane things of our life. We are told to enjoy all the blessings God has given us. This leads me to something the Greek philosopher Socrates had said.  Socrates is credited with being the first to proclaim: "Everything in moderation. Nothing in excess," 2500 years ago. Socrates believed humans need to learn to 'know how to choose the mean* and avoid the extremes on either side, as much as possible.'(1)

                  Our Lord would like very much for us to get the most out of this life that he’s given to us. Always look at the positive side and try your best with the help of the Holy Spirit to avoid focusing on the negative. All negative thought and action will pull you down. God wishes us to boldly move forward so that we might be a success in HIS sight. Being a success in the world’s eyes is completely meaningless and without worth. It has no eternal value and while being a worldly success generally does no harm, it will slowly draw you away from the path you were given to walk.  Material possessions, while innocent enough on the surface, become idols at times, because we wish to have them and then allow them to control a small portion of our life.

                  God appoints the breadwinner (man) to, thru his daily toil, provide for his family giving them all a good, satisfying life.  Satan causes duress thru constraint leading to individual and family difficulties, one being unemployment. Look at the Prodigal Son as an example of a man who got his inheritance early so he could leave and go out on his own. After his life savings was spent, he had nothing and ended up living with pigs. (Luke 15:11-32) God wishes his children to enjoy their lives without violating his basic standards for living. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


*Mean - The middle point between two extremes.

(1) Source: by Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Word for the Day

FAITH ... 

no matter what lies ahead of us, 

God is already there! 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered. Whatever they did in their lifetime - loving, hating, envying - is all long gone. They no longer play a part in anything here on earth.” Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 New Living Translation

                  Here in verses 5 & 6, Solomon is once again comparing the living with the dead.  Is he speaking of the physical or the spiritual or both? I believe he is speaking of both.  Those that are alive in Christ are alive both physically and spiritually and they know it. Those that are dead spiritually are also physically alive, yet don’t realize their spirit is dead because they don’t understand that they are sinners, far from God. When they die physically, as a natural part of their life, they may know they are dying, but once they die, they no longer have any conscious thought until they are quickened to stand before God at the White Throne Judgment.

            Those that are dead spiritually have no way of knowing what future lies waiting for them. God knows and believers know, but those spiritually dead are simply ignorant of God’s future plan for them. Actually, God’s will is that none would perish, but that all would come to the saving knowledge of Christ. If some insist on going their own way, they will face consequences for that decision. I believe Christ hasn’t come back yet because of the longsuffering nature of God. Someday Christ is come back for those who have received him as Savior and Lord.

            One day those with evil, greedy, selfish hearts will perish and be heard from no more, neither will they be remembered on the earth. Those who love God will be promoted to glory when they die. Those who are alive will be caught up into the clouds with him (Christ). What a glorious day that will be!! Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“The same destiny ultimately awaits everyone, whether righteous or wicked, good or bad, ceremonially clean or unclean, religious or irreligious. Good people receive the same treatment as sinners, and people who make promises to God are treated like people who don’t.

It seems so wrong that everyone under the sun suffers the same fate. Already twisted by evil, people choose their own mad course, for they have no hope. There is nothing ahead but death anyway. There is hope only for the living. As they say, ‘It’s better to be a live dog than a dead lion!’” Ecclesiastes 9:2-4 New Living Translation

            There are people in this life who try to estimate the quantity and quality of God’s love based on what happens to them. This is a foolhardy endeavor because God’s love is the same toward his entire creation. We cannot work our way into some elevated status with God. 

Since good and bad folks both die at one point or another, what is the significance for bad people to recant and become good?  Many folks don’t seem to grasp the reality that life is not just about our ultimate death. There is proof that there is life after death if you adhere to the words of the ultimate source, God’s Holy Bible; however, it requires faith. Many folks aren’t wired to receive such news without tangible proof.

                  The problem bad people have if that their actions often become monetarily profitable for them. Being unaware of the heaven/hell variable that everyone must at one time or other deal with, they pursue evil believing they will always have the time to do some good deeds to make it into heaven, if there happens to be such a place. Many folks have the misconception that there may be a heaven to negotiate, but don’t seem to feel there is a hell. Perhaps that is because the little they know and hear about God is that he is loving and so that translates into mercy which is the angle they intend to play when the time comes. 

                  Solomon is slowly building the case regarding how we should live in light of the finality of death.  Perhaps we should ask the question, “What is the real purpose of life?” While we are living there is always hope, but what or who should our hope be in?  Solomon apparently, based on all he has said in this book, is not as close to God as he once was, but his wisdom is still intact, albeit tainted by the world.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Final Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 9:1 - 12:14


“This, too, I carefully explored: Even though the actions of godly and wise people are in God’s hands, no one knows whether God will show them favor.”Ecclesiastes 9:1 New Living Translation

                  In this chapter once again, we see Solomon returning to the theme of death. It is inevitable. It comes to all men, both good and bad … righteous and unrighteous.  God controls all things. This is why good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. His design and plan for mankind is beyond reproach. There are purposes and reasons for all that takes place. We don’t see the whole plan, but God has painstakingly put together a plan so perfect, yet so unknowable by mortal man, that in the end we shall stand in dumbfounded amazement at all that transpired behind the scenes to make his plan come to its ultimate conclusion. God loves us whether we do good or bad. Can we say the same about our feelings for God? If things don’t happen to go the way we’d like do we love him any less?

            We as a people must come to the realization that everything isn’t going to come down to what makes us happy or sad. God loves who he loves and hates what he hates. He brings about what he wishes and depending on each outcome, we have no right to utter the question, “What have I done to deserve this?” It is part of life. Perhaps something you said or did brought about a negative outcome. It’s easy to understand that a person who has experienced a positive outcome would not utter the same question.

            We cannot know how things will turn out. Whether we will experience triumph or pain. No assurances are given to us, only the words of scripture and the hope it provides. In the end, there are only two ways you can go thru life: you can live a righteous and wise life following God’s precepts and thus be in the hollow of his hand or you can live as an unregenerate man utilizing only your own resources. Because of the free will given to you by God, it is your choice. Choose wisely.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing. 

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament; The Reformation Study Bible; NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible; The Orthodox Study Bible.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Practical Counsel

Ecclesiastes 7:15 - 8:17


“In my search for wisdom and in my observation of people’s burdens here on earth, I discovered that there is ceaseless activity, day and night. I realized that no one can discover everything God is doing under the sun. Not even the wisest people discover everything, no matter what they claim.” - Ecclesiastes 8:16-17 New Living Translation

            Solomon, who was supposed to be the wisest man living, essentially admitted that no one can know everything regarding God and what he has done, is doing, or is going to do. This could discourage people who think they are wise, but what we don’t know should not keep us from enjoying what has been given to us in the here and now.  

The study notes in the Life Application Bible for these two verses has this to say: “Even if he had access to all the world’s wisdom, the wisest man would know very little. No one can fully comprehend God and all that he has done, and there are always more questions than answers. But the unknown should not cast a shadow over our joy, faith, or work because we know that someone greater is in control and that we can put our trust in him. Don’t let what you don’t know about the future destroy the joy God wants to give you today.”

            Solomon realizes that all people would rather know what lies ahead of them. There’s no faith needed in knowing the future. Our level of trust in God has a direct impact on whether or not we worry about things we cannot control. God is ultimately in control of all things. To acknowledge that we aren’t in control of anything really can torque your mind a bit, especially if you allow it to by questioning God’s plan. God has and will never fail any of us, whether we understand the future of things or not. Trust God and live for him. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: Expositor’s Bible Commentary - Old Testament

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Practical Counsel

Ecclesiastes 7:15 - 8:17


“So, I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 8:15

            What gives us contentment in this life? Is it the worldly pleasures that are temporal? …Here today and gone tomorrow? Or is it something else?  The Apostle James says in 1:17 of his Epistle that “every good and perfect gift is from above (God)”. I mention this because Solomon is in effect advocating the joy of life by saying to “eat, drink and enjoy life”. If every good and perfect gift comes from the maker of heaven and earth, then we should utilize all the things that God has given us. This doesn’t mean we should misuse or abuse them. Doing anything in excess is not a good thing. So, when you eat, enjoy your meal, but don’t be glutenous. When you drink, do not drink to get drunk, for these things are not pleasing to the Lord. 

            Having fun is not reserved for those who are worldly. It all depends on one’s definition of fun. And it doesn’t have to be a specific thing, but rather can be a whole variety of things. We all have individual likes and dislikes. Many of the things that are gifts from God are meant to provide enjoyment for the believer. So many people who are not Christians naturally assume that “religious” people abstain from pleasure and fun, however, nothing could be further from the truth.  Worldly people seem to believe that pleasure and fun only come thru frivolous events. Getting as close to the edge of the ledge as possible without falling. The consequences from such events have the potential for disaster.

            We can relax and enjoy those things that God provides as he has intended. We are to realize that our work is God-given, our food and drink is God-given, and the subsequent joy is also God-given. God wishes for us not to be burdened with anxiety, worrying about this and that. All good things come from God … we must realize this and in seeking his kingdom first and foremost, we can rest in the enjoyment that comes from pleasing the Father. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Practical Counsel

Ecclesiastes 7:15 - 8:17


Meaningless - lacking purpose; having no significance.


“And this is not all that is meaningless in our world. In this life, good people are often treated as though they were wicked, and wicked people are often treated as though they were good. This is so meaningless!”Ecclesiastes 8:14 The New Living Translation

            Based on our above definition, being ‘meaningless’ is defined as having no significance or lacking purpose. It’s as if Solomon is saying these things happened and so what that they did. We know as believers that injustice does occur; that the righteous and the wicked don’t always get what they deserve.  A lack of justice served can be perplexing and discouraging; however, as I have said before, God will dole out justice appropriately when the time is right.

            Solomon, in his apparent despair, states very emphatically that there is no purpose to the injustices he sees in life. With regards to the injustices of today, all we can do is pray for proper justice.  That is no small thing. Prayer is a powerful weapon. 

There are many things transpiring in our nation today that are seeking to strip us of our self-sufficiency. More government will lead to deeper control of the people. This cannot be allowed. God is on top of this. Everything that is transpiring is according to his divine plan. Justice is coming for those to which it is due. We must be strong in our faith and continue to pray for God’s resolution to arrive. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: The Reformation Study Bible.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Practical Counsel

Ecclesiastes 7:15 - 8:17


“When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong. But even though a person sins a hundred times and still lives a long time, I know that those who fear God will be better off. The wicked will not prosper, for they do not fear God. Their days will never grow long like the evening shadows.” - Ecclesiastes 8:11-13 New Living Translation

                  Solomon is still comparing those who do evil with those who are righteous and follow God. There is a pointed difference between living a long time and prolonging one’s days.  Once who is wicked and doesn’t fear God may have a long life by earthly standards, but a person who has his days prolonged will live with God for all eternity.  Since evil cannot abide in the presence of God, the wicked man / woman shall find no place in heaven with the Lord. In other words, wickedness doesn’t continue throughout God’s eternity.

                  It is interesting that God’s patience toward sinners to repent is so often met with rejection.  The unsaved have no concept of how good their life can be with God in it. They wish to remain with what is familiar to them. The Holy Spirit works overtime to woo the unsaved away from the clutches of the enemy.  God controls the heart of a man, but Satan works on our mind. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “an idle mind is the devil’s playground”? I believe that to be true. The enemy is constantly attempting to steer our thinking away from godly things and toward those things the world has declared are pleasurable. 

                  The devil is a defeated foe which is precisely why he has nothing to lose. He will stop at nothing to drag people down to his hell. That is why we are to take seriously our role as Christ’s representatives or ambassadors. Feed your spirit man daily, giving you the edge when it comes to warding off the wiles of the devil.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources:  The Expositor’s Bible Commentary - Old Testament; The New Bible Commentary.  

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

            Solomon’s Practical Counsel

                                        Ecclesiastes 7:15 - 8:17


“I have thought deeply about all that goes on here under the sun, where people have the power to hurt each other. I have seen wicked people buried with honor. Yet they were the very ones who frequented the Temple and are now praised in the same city where they committed their crimes! This, too, is meaningless.” - Ecclesiastes 8:9-10

            Injustice exists in everyone’s life at one time or another or at the very least the perception of injustice. It many cases we can do nothing about it. For believers in Christ God says, “vengeance is mine”. (Romans 12:19; Deuteronomy 32:35*) Those that have a black heart are evil and do evil things. We are seeing this in our world today. To those evildoers God says, your day is coming. The day when my hand will no longer be held back. I will bring revenge on behalf of all my children whom you have struck down and tried to force them to do YOUR will against their own will. God is displeased with all who overextend the limits of their power and authority to rule harshly over their people. The evil praise and honor their own and because they do not believe in Almighty God believe they truly are in control, and nothing can stop them. Their rash and ungodly behavior will bring about their downfall.

            It must be pointed out that a lack of action by God to avenge the wrongs done to good people does not imply his indifference. What it reveals is his longsuffering toward the unsaved. His word explicitly states in 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” When the end comes, and time is no more God will settle all accounts justly.  He knows what he’s doing at all times and will not fail us.

            Solomon finds everything in his life meaningless. A chasing after the wind. Evil treated as good. Good punished or erased. To the naked eye this all seems meaningless. Even Solomon in all his God-given wisdom has limits to his understanding. It could no doubt be because he strayed from the path God provided for him for a time. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: Reformation Study Bible.

* Deuteronomy 32:35 “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; for their day of disaster is near, and their doom is coming quickly.”

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Practical Counsel

Ecclesiastes 7:15 - 8:17


“Indeed, how can people avoid what they don’t know is going to happen? None of us can hold back our spirit from departing. None of us has the power to prevent the day of our death. There is no escaping that obligation, that dark battle. And in the face of death, wickedness will certainly not rescue the wicked” Ecclesiastes 8:7-8 The Living Translation

            “Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment, so also Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many; ….” (Hebrews 9:27-28a) We will never know the hour or the day that we shall depart from this earth. We also don’t have the power to keep ourselves from dying. Solomon uses an analogous illustration between a king and God himself. Both have the power over life and death. Once it has been determined that it is a person’s time to pass off from this earth, nothing can stop this event from happening.  There is no escape from this phase of life. Anyone who ends up cheating death has entered the spiritual realm where God rules and reigns along with Jesus.

            Only Christ, who has the power to control death and evil, can raise an individual from the dead. An earthly king cannot do that. Christ himself died for the salvation of the world. An earthly king cannot do that either. As much as man feels he has control over his own life, he is fooling himself, for God is the one who can spare man his life simply because he has a mind to. Man can also ask for a prolonged life. 

2 Kings 20:5-6 tells of King Hezekiah who was on his death bed. The Prophet Isaiah came to the king to tell him he was about to die. Hezekiah prayed in earnest to be healed. “God heard Hezekiah’s prayer and sent Isaiah with a message saying, ‘I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely, I will heal you… And I will add to your days fifteen years’” Because of the king’s fervent prayer, God relented regarding taking his life from him. No one knows what the future holds, but the one who holds the future sure does. Trust God to bring about that which will bless and comfort you. Live a life that is pleasing to the Lord, and you will be blessed. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources:  The Reformation Study Bible; The Expositor’s Bible Commentary.             


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Practical Counsel

Ecclesiastes 7:15-8:17


“Obey the king since you vowed to God that you would. Don’t try to avoid doing your duty, and don’t stand with those who plot evil, for the king can do whatever he wants.  His command is backed by great power. No one can resist or question it. Those who obey him will not be punished. Those who are wise will find a time and a way to do what is right, for there is a time and a way for everything, even when a person is in trouble.” Ecclesiastes 8:2-6 The Living Translation


            All authority is established by God, therefore, those who are in power on this earth have either been set in place by the Lord or he has allowed them to reign over their people for a season and a specific purpose. Therefore, Solomon has taken the time to address this issue. Why does one obey the king? Back in biblical times the Jewish people would make a vow before God to obey and serve the king that was in power.  If the one who would be king were godly, they had all the power and authority of Almighty Jehovah God behind them. If they were ungodly, perhaps they were allowed to be in power to cause the people to repent to God. The ungodly king may not have the power of God behind them, but Satan’s power, though less formidable, can still drive the king to do evil things to God’s people.

            God’s plan was to be the Jewish people’s sole ruler, setting them apart from the other nations, however, the people complained to the Prophet Samuel. What was their complaint? They desired to have a king just like the other nations. (1 Samuel 8:4-22) God told Samuel to give them what they desired, and that started a cavalcade of both godly and ungodly kings going forward. That is not what God desired for the children of God, but because of their free will they selfishly pushed their demand until them received what they wanted. 

            Like with God, they had a choice to follow the king’s directives or not. With earthly kings, if you said or did something to displease them, you would be punished. With God you might be punished, but in both cases, it would be the consequences of a hand poorly played. Obey and serve the soon coming King and live to please him, for if you do you will have no reason for regret. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Walking Thru Ecclesiastes

Solomon’s Practical Counsel

Ecclesiastes 7:15-8:17


“How wonderful to be wise, to analyze and interpret things. Wisdom lights up a person’s face, softening its harshness.” - Ecclesiastes 8:1 The Living Translation


            Solomon gained Godly wisdom simply by asking for it. However, he asked for it to the exclusion of all else. His request so pleased the Lord that he gave him what he asked for and what he didn’t ask for as well. How do we receive Godly wisdom? We simply ask with a humble heart, showing the proper reverence to Almighty God.

            “Wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective and then to know the best course of action to take.” [1]Most would absolutely agree that having godly wisdom would be a very valuable asset to have, but not all know how to acquire it. Proverbs 9:10 says the following - “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.”  We are to respect and honor the Lord for this is what is due him. Should the creature not hold its creator in high esteem? Wisdom comes from knowing and trusting God. Frankly, God has never given anyone any reason not to trust him. What he has said in scripture has no falseness in it. The problem we have as his children is waiting for his promise(s) to come to fruition. That is not a flaw of God’s, but rather a totally understandable flaw in man. We are but dust, so God has infinite patience with us all.

            Wisdom leads to a higher level of understanding and understanding will normally lead to acceptance. It is normal to question and even to doubt, for we are finite creatures who generally lack a sufficient amount of trust and patience. It’s as if we all hail from the state of Missouri (known as the “Show-Me” state). If there’s one person you can absolutely and always trust, it’s Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, and man’s first breath. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

[1] From the scripture notes - The Life Application Study Bible.