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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Thoughts from a Random Mind

            As much as we are not supposed to judge others, I find myself doing so quite frequently. How about you? The reason God needs to be the sole judge and not me or you and anyone else is that we act and react based on our emotions at the time. God is the ultimate example of what is fair and just. He will never discipline in anger or judge based on physical appearance, behavioral attitude or ideology (a set of beliefs). He is the perfect one to judge all peoples. He is influenced by nothing but his deep abiding love for each one of us. Take note, God doesn’t have corporate love for the entirety of humanity, but rather individual love for each person in his creation. We were all created with a unique intellect and behavioral characteristics provided by our Creator. How we utilize that intellect, or those traits will determine much regarding what we do, don’t do and where we end up in this life.

                  We willingly serve a deity that always has our best interests at heart. No matter what your reality may appear to be, things will always work out for your benefit in the end if you have relied on the Lord. Regardless of your situation God is with you and standing at the end of it all at the same time. His presence is ubiquitous, as in, he is all places at one time. That’s nearly impossible to wrap your mind around, but it’s true. That is a faith issue because it is scientifically and logically impossible to understand. Faith, simply put, is believing in something or someone without understanding it or being able to see it. 

            Those people who used to profess salvation, but now no longer do, are tools of the enemy used to cause strife and division among the brethren. We aren’t to judge but rather pray and show mercy in love. It’s not all that easy, especially with family. The temptation can be to write the person off in favor of loyalty to God. It is happening even as I write this and will continue to happen until time is no more. That seems like a selfish, yet simple way of dealing with an uncomfortable situation. The Lord MUST come first in spite of our propensity to please others. We must risk every worldly thing dear to us as a means of taking off in the Spirit to minister on behalf of the Lord. The world has nothing to offer us that can match being forgiven of all our sins. Our reward? An eternity in the presence of God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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