Well, another new year is upon us. We hope for the best understanding that God is in ultimate control of all that takes place in our lives and in the world at large. I shall consider focusing on the same spiritual resolution I’ve had for the last year or two...that being to “see things and people thru God’s eyes”. This year I am adding something to that resolution. Simple that I would “be Jesus” to those I encounter each day.
It is my belief that now more than ever “talk is cheap”. People don’t want to hear about Jesus, they want to see Jesus and the closest thing to that ever happening this side of heaven is to do our best to imitate the life of Christ the best that we can with the help of the Holy Spirit. We can do it if we have a mind to; however, wanting to do it and talking about doing it won’t cut it. We are Christ’s ambassadors. We represent Him wherever we go. Knowing Christ in a personal, intimate way is more important than anything else that takes place in this crazy, mixed up world.
Believing is a first step, but totally immersing ourselves in all that Christ is, will change your life forever. Make it your own personal resolution to see as God’s sees and be a living, breathing example of Jesus Christ to all those you encounter on a daily basis. If everyone would at least attempt to do that, the world would be a far better place.
Nothing transpires in this world that God is not aware of, so take heart by brothers, be of good cheer my sisters, for God’s plan for this world is coming to fruition and nothing can ever thwart His plans. Nothing.
May God bless you with a happy and healthy new year
& may you prosper in all aspects of your life even as
your soul prospers. In Jesus’ name...amen.
I love you all and ask that God’s greatest blessings be yours in the coming new year!
Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing!
In His name & for His glory,
Rich Keller
Bread of Life Ministries