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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Book of Acts

Stephen is Arrested

Acts 6:8-15 NLT

“Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed amazing miracles and signs among the people.” Acts 6:8

                  This account is of importance because it shines a light on the deceitfulness of those opposed to our teachings. The agitators who came on the scene were Jewish slaves who had been released by the Romans. They formed their own synagogue in Jerusalem, which they called the Synagogue of the Freed Slaves. As it so happens, these men came to debate Stephen, however, they were no match for the spiritual wisdom with which Stephen spoke. The freed slaves now decided to lie about what Stephen was saying to the people. The Sadducees were the dominant sect in the council, who only believed in and followed Moses’ Law. To speak against it was a crime. So the agitators went and told the council of Stephen’s supposed blaspheme.

                  Moses’ Law was also called the Torah or the Pentateuch and which literally means “five useful things”. These first five books of the Bible provide the theological foundation for all scripture. Therefore, if Stephen had blasphemed against Moses’ Law, it would have been a crime. But Stephen did not do as the agitators had said. In the next lesson we shall go over Stephen’s speech to the council.

                  Unfortunately, most of us have experienced in our lifetime someone who has misrepresented something we had said for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s simply jealousy, as in they are embarrassed at their own lack of knowledge and wish to discredit someone else who seems to know what they are talking about. Other times the lies come from a deceitful heart. They lie because it’s what they do, just because they feel they can. Know what you believe so you can stand up to the lies told about you and know exactly why you believe it. Satan is a liar and the father of all lies and he will stop at nothing to beat you down. Don’t be disheartened. Satan is a defeated foe. He knows it, God knows it and we all know it. Stand strong in your beliefs and do not waver. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

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