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Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Book of Acts

Peter Visits Cornelius

Acts 10:9-33 NLT

“The next day as Cornelius’ messengers were nearing the town, Peter went up on the flat roof to pray. It was about noon....” Acts 10:9      

            When the messengers arrived at the house of the Tanner, they asked someone if it was where Simon Peter was living? Peter had just had a vision from the Lord regarding the coexistence of clean and unclean animals, which was to say that Peter was to go against what he had been taught. The vision entailed a large sheet coming down from heaven. On the sheet were many animals, some ceremonially clean and the other ceremonially unclean. Traditionally Jews were not to eat animals that were deemed unclean, and they were certainly not to eat with Gentiles. God told Peter to kill and eat. Peter balked at this instruction, stating that according to Jewish law, he has never eaten anything impure and unclean. God told Peter not to call anything unclean when he himself had made it clean. Two other times the Lord told Peter to kill and eat. Then the Holy Spirit told Peter that 3 men had come looking for him.

            These men were Gentiles, yet after asking the homeowner’s permission, Peter invited them in asking them why they had come. The messengers relayed the story regarding Cornelius; therefore, this was obviously the reason God revealed his vision about clean vs. unclean. Then God told Peter to go with the three men “without hesitation”, Peter had them stay the night and along with six men from the Joppa brethren, Peter left to visit Cornelius in Caesarea the very next morning.

            It took them all until the next day to trek the 30 miles to Caesarea. Cornelius was waiting for them. Once Peter met the centurion, he promptly told him that Cornelius no doubt knew it was against Jewish law to enter or associate with a Gentile man, but because God had told Peter that he should no longer think of anyone as unclean or impure, he would enter his home. Cornelius had invited relatives and friends to his home to hear what the Lord would say to them thru the Apostle. The centurion expressed deep appreciation for Peter to come and that both he and the others there were to hear from God. 

            It was stated by scholars that while Cornelius had a heart after God, prayed and gave to the poor, that perhaps he hadn’t received salvation yet. That would be the reason Peter was sent to Cornelius’ home, to lead both he and his relatives and friends to a relationship with the Lord. 

            Is there anyone who are prejudice against, perhaps a race, sexual orientation, foreigners and so on? Scripture lets us know that God created all peoples and has pronounced all of his creation clean and pure, fit to associate with. We must rid ourselves of any and all preconceived notions and / or prejudices, for they are distasteful to God and do nothing to help us become more like Christ in our thought, words, and deeds. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing. 

In his name & for his glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible; Expositor's Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): New Testament

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