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Monday, January 23, 2023

The Book of Acts

Note: Since I forgot to post this last night for this morning, consider this post for today & tomorrow with a new one coming Wednesday. rkeller

The Plan to Kill Paul

Acts 23:12-22 NLT

“The next morning a group of Jews got together and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul.” (v.12)

            It is very possible that at least a part of the 40 Jews that were plotting to murder Paul were the same Asian Jews that instigated the riot in Jerusalem. Now the Asia we are speaking of should not be confused with the Orient. This province of Asia included such regions as Lydia, Macedonia, Galatia, Syria, and Cappadocia ... all regions Paul had visited. Jerusalem, according to a Biblical times map, appears to be roughly 2250 kilometers or 14,000 miles if my calculations are correct. 

Most scholars agree that Paul’s 3 missionary journeys totaled roughly 10,000 miles. All of his travels were done ON FOOT. The reason he lived thru all the trials and tribulations of his travels was simply because God was in complete control of those travels. Anytime you follow the Lord’s instructions, you will be protected by the angels of Almighty God Himself.

The mention of Paul’s sister & her son, the apostle’s nephew, are mentioned in v.16. His family is mentioned nowhere else in scripture. This portion of scripture tells us Paul’s nephew heard of the plot to kill Paul and went to tell him. We are not told how the nephew found out. 

After letting Paul know, he called for one of the Roman centurions over to take the boy to the commander to let him know of the Jewish plot. Roman citizens who were prisoners were under protective custody until their trial. It was a serious problem for the one in charge if anything happened to the person incarcerated. The protected prisoner was allowed to be visited by family and friends who could bring them food and amenities. 

            Why did the commander not hesitate to believe the boy when he told of the Jewish plot. He saw the hatred for Paul in their eyes and knew Ananias heart and therefore knew he would be supportive of this remedy to their problem. Murdering Paul would be clean and easy with no further problem from him.

            The commander made sure to tell the nephew to keep the fact that they spoke about the plot tell no one. Paul would be on the move again, only this time to Caesarea and not by his own choice. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible; Expositor's Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): New Testament.

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