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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Romans - Paul's Greeting

Paul’s Greeting

Romans 1:1-7 NLT

“This letter is from Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, chosen by God to be an apostle and sent out to preach his Good News.”

      While Paul was in Corinth at the end of his 3rd missionary journey he wrote to the Roman church. Neither he, nor James or Peter had paid Rome a visit. As a matter of fact it was 3 years after writing this letter that Paul finally visited his brothers and sisters in Rome.

      The New Testament hadn’t been circulated in its final form to all the churches just yet, so Paul’s letter may have been the first Christian document the Roman church had seen.

      We know Paul was a devout Jew who had at first persecuted Christians, but once he was converted on the Road to Damascus God used him to spread the Good News of the Gospel.

      In spite of his vast education and strict adherence to the Mosaic Law, Paul exhibited humbleness and humility by referring to himself as a “slave” of Christ Jesus and an apostle, which means “one who is sent”. Our willingness to serve and obey Jesus Christ enables us to be used by God, just as Paul was used. 

      Below I list the verses that predict the Good News regarding Jesus Christ *. These verses from the OT are what Paul is referring to in verse 2. Paul points out that the Good News is the revealing of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. He shares the fact that when we have our sins forgiven we are making a commitment to begin a new life in Christ. The point of this new life is to set up Jesus as our example to follow. Whether we realize it or not, once saved we enter into a sort of covenant to imitate Christ’s behavior in our own lives. That is a key responsibility for a new believer.

      Paul points out to the Jewish believers among the church brethren that Gentiles have been brought into the fold as well and in spite of how the Jews may feel about that they are to shed their prejudice and become united with these ‘outsiders’ to the Jewish faith as Christian brothers and sisters. Some factions of Jewish believers have been pushing the Gentile converts to adhere to the Jewish laws and customs. Paul deals with this at another time.

      In verse 6 Paul states a blessing to all the peoples of the Roman Church by saying: “May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.” Grace being undeserved favor and peace being calm, with a lack of hostility. It’s very likely Paul specifically mentioned those Christian traits in light of the Jews complete distain for anyone who wasn’t a Jew. What God accepts man must honor. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: The Life Application Study Bible; Expositor's Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): New Testament.

* Genesis 12:3; Psalms 16:10, 40:6-10, 118:22; Isaiah 11:1ff; Zechariah 9:9-11, 12:10; Malachi 4:1-6.

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