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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

JOHN: Expectations Exceeded

            Wherever Jesus went He did the unexpected, which always exceeded the people’s expectations. Let’s look at some examples:


1. In Mark 2:1-12, a man was looking to be healed - Jesus ALSO forgave his sins.


2. In Luke 5:1-11, the disciples were expecting an ordinary day of fishing - they found the Savior.


3. In Luke 7:11-17, a widow had resigned herself to burying her dead son - Jesus restored her son to life. 


4. In Matthew 12:38-45, the religious leaders wanted a miracle - Jesus offered them the Creator of miracles.


5. In Mark 5:25-34, a woman who sought healing touched Jesus - He helped her see it was her faith that healed her.


6. In John 6:1-5, the disciples thought the crowd should be sent home because there was no food - Jesus used a small meal to feed thousands (and there were leftovers).


7. In a theme that rippled throughout the Gospels, the crowds looked for a political leader to set up a new kingdom to overthrow Rome’s control - Jesus offered them an eternal, spiritual kingdom to overthrow sin’s control.


8. In John 13:1-20, the disciples wanted to eat the Passover meal with Jesus, their Master - Instead, Jesus washed their feet, showing that He was their servant as well.


9. In John 11:53; 19:30; 20:1-29, the religious leaders wanted Jesus killed and got their wish - But Jesus rose from the dead.


                  There are times when nothing is as it seems. Jesus was a man, who was not a man. He was the Son of Man and the Son of God. He came across as somewhat passive, as an example of how followers were supposed to act. His passion to save the lost was felt whenever He spoke. He didn’t have to come down to reveal God’s power, glory, and eternal salvation, but He needed to and that makes all the difference in the world. It was God’s plan from the beginning of time and Christ’s death was the pinnacle of selfless, self-sacrifice. No one before or since would ever decide to die for someone else. The pride of life is too strong to lay your own body down for any reason. Jesus willingly gave Himself up to those who wished to do Him harm, just so we wouldn’t have to. 

                  Up next we’ll take an up close look at the Apostle John, author of the Gospel we’re looking at now. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Study Bible

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible; p. 2323.

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