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Thursday, May 23, 2024

SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT: Keys to Achieving it.

Having spiritual discernment is vitally important. Let’s look at seven keys for developing spiritual discernment.


Key No.1: Recognize that there are spiritual absolutes.


We must recognize that there are spiritual absolutes. This is fundamental for developing spiritual discernment. Absolutes are required in almost every walk of life, but when it comes to God’s laws and morality, many people want to decide for themselves what is right and wrong. They refuse to acknowledge that God has authority over our lives and that He gives us specific instructions that we are to always follow, regardless of the circumstances.

The truth is, with God there are also absolutes. The Bible clearly reveals what God expects His followers to do. Disobeying what God says to do is sin. Discernment means identifying opposites or contrasts such as clean/unclean, good/evil, right/wrong and obedience/disobedience.  

Having spiritual discernment requires us to make judgments. It is no surprise that people who don’t acknowledge God’s authority to set standards of conduct hate being judged. They don’t like anyone saying, or even quietly believing, that their conduct is wrong.

This sentiment was present in the men of Sodom as they accused Lot of “acting as a judge” when he tried to dissuade them of their ungodly intentions toward his visitors (Genesis 19:9). People today who reject God’s laws similarly accuse people of judging them if their ungodly deeds are not accepted and celebrated.

In today’s environment that is hostile toward God’s good and beneficial laws, many people cite Christ’s statement: “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). People who reject most of the Bible’s teachings sometimes cite this verse. And sometimes even people claiming to be Christians misunderstand what Christ was saying.

A careful reading of Matthew 7:1-3 reveals that Jesus was teaching His followers not to judge in a hypocritical manner. The principle He was teaching was that we need to first resolve our own faults before we try to help our brother resolve his. If we weren’t to judge at all, we couldn’t help our brother.

On another occasion, Jesus said it more clearly: “Judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24, emphasis added throughout).


            Next we will move on to Key No.2 - “Asking God for help”. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries



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