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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Life Lessons

Lesson 7 - Lamenting the Past


       This morning I caught myself lamenting past mistakes, consequences, disappointments, and injustices. There is no benefit to doing that, so I slowly refocused on the present. You cannot go back in time and change history. You can however learn from the past so it doesn’t end up repeating itself. I think you will agree, you take what is of value and let the rest go. 

            Life can be very hard and sadness comes far too often, but there is a lighthouse for our soul that shines out brightly in the darkness of those desperate times. Tears of bitterness can turn to tears of contentment and a heavy heart can once again become lighter than air. It depends on your focal point. What do you spend the most time focusing on, the negative aspects of life or the positive? Focusing on the wrong thing can wear you down and steal your hope. As believers in Christ we have much to find hope in. Just the very fact that Christ is returning for us should chase away any clouds of sadness from your heart. This life, with all its troubles, will not last forever, life with the Lord will.

            You can’t plow a straight row looking back, nor can you move forward when you are mired in the past. Reflect on your past if you feel the need to, but only to learn how to correct past irregular behavior and not to wallow in self-pity. Our history should be a learning tool for our future and nothing else. We can’t change it so let us revel in the fact that it is in the past and brighter days are on the horizon. 

This concludes our look at LIFE LESSONS. I trust you are better off for having read it. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.  


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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