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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thoughts on Healing …

I’ve been curious about the whole healing question, regarding why some are healed by God, and some are not. I’ve decided to take a deep dive into the subject and today is my first installment.

                  For starters I looked at two different websites to see what they had to say. There are several things that I found NOT to be true about healing or the fact that one isn’t healed. It doesn’t have anything to do with God’s lack of love for you or that He arbitrarily heals whom He wills, leaving others on the outside of His healing touch. It has nothing to do with your not having enough faith. The frank and honest answer to why some are healed and some are not is that we really have no idea why. That may sound like a cop out but think about it. God heals. Scripture is flooded with verses on the subject. Faith as small as a seed no bigger than a pin head is all that is required to do great things in God’s name, so believing He will heal us is not typically the problem. Some are healed instantly, some progressively and some not at all and we have no idea why. God says He will heal us, but He never says when. We know without a shadow of a doubt that we will be healed when we arrive in heaven. It seems arbitrary to us I’m sure, but God does indeed have His reasons. 

                  We may not have a clue why someone isn’t healed, but God does. God gets blamed for far too much of the sickness and disease that we experience. We accept the fact that we do not have all the answers, but there ARE answers. Even if there are answers that we will never know this side of heaven, there ARE answers, and they would no doubt make sense to us if we knew them. 

                  Waiting for anything nowadays is difficult for much of society. We want instantaneous gratification. We want to be healed and we want to be healed NOW. Not in a year, not in a month, not tomorrow, not in an hour, but NOW. God doesn’t work that way most of the time and He certainly doesn’t take orders from us. Inquiring minds want to know the seemingly unknowable, but answers are not forthcoming. Some are healed and some aren’t until they pass over the river Jordan, so to speak and that appears to be the reality of it.

                  I hope this sheds a tiny beam of light on the subject of healing. I’ll keep digging to see what else I can find out on the subject. Until next time, walk with the king and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries



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