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Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Advent Series: Additional Thoughts

           The message of the gospel is straining to be heard over the cacophony of noise the world provides at this time of year. Sales for the next “latest, greatest” thing are soaring thru the roof. The giddy excitement of getting what you’ve always wanted. The numbness that hits you over and over as your credit cards become so overworked they are warm to the touch by the end of each day. That’s what Christmas has become and that’s what it is. But is that what Christmas is supposed to be all about?

The message of the gospel doesn’t hit you like the heavy-handed sound of a syncopated drumbeat. It’s the still small voice of peace and hope. Those who are drawn to it embrace it and follow its lead like the pillar of fire that led the Israelites out of Egypt. It speaks to our hearts about the Christmas story that was born over 2000 years ago. There are many explanations of just what a manger is. There is so much discussion about the time and the place and that which surrounded baby Jesus, that it almost overshadows the importance and miraculous nature of his coming.

                 Christmas time is a time to reflect on the divine gift giver, rather than the gifts we receive, for their value is infinitesimal by comparison. We all need to focus on Christ at this time of year more so than any other time of the year for his coming is vastly important, not just to you and me, but to all mankind. His death cannot take place unless his birth comes first.

Learn to block out the wide variety of noises that attempt to break the sound barrier and focus your attention on the importance of birth vs. the resurrection. That is not to diminish Christ’s death and resurrection at all, but it is very much like the ‘which came first the chicken or the egg’ conundrum. We Christians must stay in touch with what our faith means to us as individuals because it is a very personal individual faith that we have. Don’t ever lose sight of what is truly important during this most wonderful holiday season.

                 May God be praised both now and always!  Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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