Reason 16 - Religious Hypocrisy
“The gap between religious teachings and the actions of religious leaders and followers often leads to disillusionment. Scandals involving clergy, such as financial corruption, abuse, or moral failings, expose a contradiction between the principles preached and the behavior exhibited.”
Point taken. There are many leaders in the “religious” community that are corrupt. Their focus is skewed in that they are seeking self-aggrandizement, and as a result, notoriety. There are more so-called “prophets” than you can shake a stick at, which makes me very skeptical of all their legitimacy, but that’s between them and God. Both these examples are things that fly in the face of true Christendom. Living for Christ involves emulating His behavior, not shining a spotlight on yourself. Having said all that, ALL Christian leaders aren’t liars and cheats. True leaders and followers understand who they are in the eternal scope of things. For instance, I have often said, “I know who I am compared to Almighty God. I am nothing more than a single grain of sand on eternity’s beaches. But God loves me and has chosen to use me in spite of myself.” Acquiring humbleness and humility are key in the growth process of a believer in Christ. Those corrupted leaders have obviously forgotten that.
As I have said before, not all Christian leaders or followers of Christ are evil, sinful people. As the saying goes, “One bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch.” If you have it in your mind that there IS no God, then those compromised Christians are ammunition for an atheist. Surely you must see that some bad ones don’t negate the entire group of ministers. While I understand why that would cause distrust in Christian leadership, we are HUMAN, prone to making mistakes in judgement, just like the atheist. They are just men who are sinners saved by the grace of God, as am I. Honestly, that is the ONLY thing that makes any believer different from those who don’t believe in God.
Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries
Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;
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