Job 19:25 (NIV) “I know that my redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”
After all Job had been through in his life; the loss of family, property and material goods, he could still look up and say “I know that my redeemer lives …” Isn’t it amazing how little some of us are required, by life’s inevitable trials and tribulations, to endure and yet we lose faith so easily? Is not God the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Did He not say that He was “no respecter of persons”, that what He has done for one generation, He could and would do now? So why do we doubt? Why do we tremble in fear at times over circumstances that come our way as happenstance? We didn’t ask for it. We do not require it for sustenance or provision. Yet, it is upon us all the same.
I am the first one to question my circumstances. I struggle at times with the what and the why. While it is many times not for me to know, I still question. I suppose it is the way I am wired. My faith is stronger than it used to be and I trust God to do for me what is just and good in His sight, yet there are times when the tide of my faith is out and the sand of my uncertainty is exposed. Even in this, I know God understands. He ought to, He created me. While I have filled the pot with all sorts of things, some of which may not belong in there, He made the pot. He knows the pots’ strengths, weaknesses and limitations. It is up to me to fill it with that which will not cause the pot to weaken or crack.
In all of the hustle and bustle of this crazy life that we live, we would do well to always remember not only that our Redeemer lives, but that in His living, He has defeated the death He experienced. Therefore, we who believe in Christ and all that He stands for shall not taste the sting of death. True enough, we may taste the temporal death of these fleshly tents we have been given to live in, but the 2nd death or death of our souls we will never partake in.
When Christ returns, all wrongs will be righted; all injustices will be dealt with; the evil ones shall be punished; the righteous shall be rewarded with an eternity in the midst of God’s heavenly glory. Job believed this. Abraham believed this. King David believed this. Paul believed this. All these men were far from perfect. They doubted, lied, committed murder and adultery and still, when redemption came to them, they embraced it with both arms and did not release it until they were with God in the heavenlies.
What am I saying by that? Perhaps what I am saying is this: don’t be so hard on yourself. Be sensitive to the Spirits’ leading. Respond to God’s challenge to make the necessary alterations to your character. Focus on that which is truly important on a spiritual and eternal level. Don’t become distracted. I get distracted all the time. Be like Christ, not like me … for sure, don’t emulate me. Seek to be like Jesus each day of your life and know in your heart of hearts that, come what may, your Redeemer lives and in the end will someday stand on the earth. Your redemption draws nigh.