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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV) “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

When a tree is young and just planted, it requires nurturing. It requires fertilizer and water and sun. In many cases, the trunk is held in place by ropes or cables that are staked into the ground around its’ base to help it withstand strong winds and inclement weather. Over time, as the root system burrows deep into the soil, the nourished tree becomes mature, grows tall, spreads out and is strong. Its’ root system has dug far down into the earth, allowing it to maintain stability in the face of all the variant weather conditions that arise. It is able to ‘stand firm’ in the face of just about anything that comes against it.

So it is with us as believers. As we grow in the spirit, our root system digs deep, providing us with stability in the face of tribulation. This is what Paul is speaking of when he ends the 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians with this admonition that we see above. Nothing we do in the name of Christ is done in vain. We may never see the benefit brought by our steadfastness this side of heaven, but it is good in the sight of God and shall bring a harvest of plenty to His Kingdom. We are to obey, not challenge His directives. Think of the chaos that would exist if each decision made by the head of a large company was challenged by those under his leadership.

Being the creator of the universe and man’s first breath, He has everything at His disposal and is able to rightly direct and guide us through this maze we call life. God has given us this life to live. We must give ourselves over to His work fully and completely. That may mean full time ministry, but I think most of the time it does not. If you have a calling on your life, you know it. It is inescapable. Like Jonah, you are incapable of running from it or avoiding it. However, your calling may simply be to be the best Christ-like husband or wife you can be. It may be to be Christ to the elderly. It may be shining your light at work, without robbing from your employer with time spent evangelizing. Ministries come in many different forms. God gave us all gifts and He knows how we can best use them. It then all comes down to a ‘faith / trust’ issue. You see, it has always been a ‘faith / trust’ issue. It always will be. Believing in the unseen God and trusting Him to provide and sustain us as His children. After that, it is simply following His instructions. He gave us a manual. It’s His word. We will read a new owner’s manual for the new car we just bought, but will try to maneuver our way through life’s twists and turns without even cracking open His manual of instructions. Interesting how we are about such things, isn’t it? But we can change our focus. We can change our direction. Seek God. Listen to the still small voice of His spirit. Be certain. Don’t go off half-cocked, for a half-cocked pistol will never accomplish its’ intended purpose. Know you are in His will and than stand firm and give yourself over to it … whatever it is. Please Him with your life. The safest place in this whole world to be is in the center of His will.


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